HHSProgrammingClub / smash-my-buttons

Le all-purpose AI Fighting Game and possible eSport if everything goes better than expected lol
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Auto-canceling attacks #23

Closed lgtyqz closed 5 years ago

lgtyqz commented 5 years ago

I noticed with the new state system that attacking is a little odd now.

All of the following reset the attack animation and kill its associated hitbox:

Proposed solution: Use another method instead of interruptStates(), which checks if an attack is being performed and doesn't allow the interruption under those circumstances.

lgtyqz commented 5 years ago

Infinites are now possible against a wall. For example, if you use Jack's tilt then immediately press a movement key, Jack will reset into his idle animation and is free to use his tilt again, even when the opponent is in hitstun.

Another example that is prone to abuse is Jack's recovery, which comes out basically frame 1 and can be cancelled by either pressing or releasing a movement key.

le-birb commented 5 years ago

The thing I'm working on, mentioned here will give you the ability to solve this

lgtyqz commented 5 years ago

Another bug I've found—if you press an arrow key during an attack, the fixture can sometimes stay there and make move effects indefinite. Tried it with Jack's tilt and recovery.

lgtyqz commented 5 years ago

Solved with latest commit. However, now hitboxes spawn instantly when the animation is started. Weird.