HIPS / Spearmint

Spearmint Bayesian optimization codebase
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Cannot import gp and util while running #112

Open mavanish opened 6 years ago

mavanish commented 6 years ago

Running this

./spearmint ../examples/braninpy/config.pb --driver=local --method=GPEIOptChooser --method-args=noiseless=1


python main.py --driver=local --method=GPEIOptChooser --method-args=noiseless=1 ../examples/braninpy/config.pb

Gives the following error, how to solve this? experiment dir: /home/thsim9/code/spearmint-master/spearmint/examples/braninpy Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/thsim9/code/spearmint-master/spearmint/bin/../spearmint/main.py", line 329, in main() File "/home/thsim9/code/spearmint-master/spearmint/bin/../spearmint/main.py", line 164, in main module = importlib.import_module('chooser.' + options.chooser_module) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/importlib/init.py", line 37, in import_module import(name) File "/home/thsim9/code/spearmint-master/spearmint/spearmint/chooser/GPEIOptChooser.py", line 23, in from spearmint import gp ImportError: cannot import name gp

Shenxiaoqian commented 8 months ago

hello, I've encountered the same problem as you. Have you already resolved it?