HIPS / autograd

Efficiently computes derivatives of NumPy code.
MIT License
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optimization #196

Open artfin opened 7 years ago

artfin commented 7 years ago

Thank you for this amazing library!

I'm using it for modeling classical behaviour of some systems. The idea is to solve complex (4-10 equations) system of ODEs with scipy's odeint, while the right-hand side is evaluated using derivatives of hamiltonian provided by autograd. Everything works nice for simple systems, but even for middle-sized systems the derivatives of hamiltonian are evaluated rather long. Are there any methods to optimize it? (During the solving of ODEs derivatives are being calculated 10.000-50.000 times.)

Sorry for lengthy example, but it seems to be the minimal working bit of code, containing hamiltonian function.

from autograd import grad, grad_named
from autograd.numpy.linalg import inv
import autograd.numpy as np
from itertools import product

class __particle__(object):
    def __init__(self, m, __x__, __y__, __z__,  vars):
        self.m = m
        self.__x__ = __x__
        self.__y__ = __y__
        self.__z__ = __z__

        self.__dx__ = [grad_named(__x__, var) for var in vars]
        self.__dy__ = [grad_named(__y__, var) for var in vars]
        self.__dz__ = [grad_named(__z__, var) for var in vars]

r0 = 1.
particle1 = __particle__(m = 1., __x__ = lambda q: r0 * np.cos(q/2), __y__ = lambda q: 0 * q, __z__ = lambda q: r0 * np.sin(q/2),
    vars = ['q'])
particle2 = __particle__(m = 1., __x__ = lambda q: r0 * np.cos(q/2), __y__ = lambda q: 0 * q, __z__ = lambda q: - r0 * np.sin(q/2),
    vars = ['q'])

particles = [particle1, particle2]

J = 10.
q = np.array([0.1])
p = np.array([0.2])
theta0 = 0.15
varphi0 = 0.01

def hamiltonian(q = None, p = None, theta = None, varphi = None):
    J_vector = np.array([J * np.cos(varphi) * np.sin(theta),
                         J * np.sin(varphi) * np.sin(theta), 
                         J * np.cos(theta)]).reshape((3,))

    Ixx = sum([particle.m * (particle.__y__(*q)**2 + particle.__z__(*q)**2) for particle in particles])
    Iyy = sum([particle.m * (particle.__x__(*q)**2 + particle.__z__(*q)**2) for particle in particles])
    Izz = sum([particle.m * (particle.__x__(*q)**2 + particle.__y__(*q)**2) for particle in particles])
    Ixy = - sum([particle.m * particle.__x__(*q) * particle.__y__(*q) for particle in particles])
    Ixz = - sum([particle.m * particle.__x__(*q) * particle.__z__(*q) for particle in particles])
    Iyz = - sum([particle.m * particle.__y__(*q) * particle.__z__(*q) for particle in particles])

    inertia_tensor = np.array([[Ixx, Ixy, Ixz], [Ixy, Iyy, Iyz], [Ixz, Iyz, Izz]])
    inertia_tensor = inertia_tensor.reshape((3, 3))

    a = np.array([]).reshape((1, 0))
    for i, j in product(range(q.shape[0]), range(q.shape[0])):
        res = np.array([sum([particle.m * (particle.__dx__[i](*q) * particle.__dx__[j](*q) + \
                                           particle.__dy__[i](*q) * particle.__dy__[j](*q) + \
                                           particle.__dz__[i](*q) * particle.__dz__[j](*q)) 
                        for particle in particles])]).reshape((1,1))
        a = np.hstack((a, res))

    a = a.reshape((q.shape[0], q.shape[0]))

    A = np.array([]).reshape((3,0))
    for k in range(q.shape[0]):
        res = np.zeros((3,1))
        for particle in particles:
            vec1 = np.array([particle.__x__(*q), particle.__y__(*q), particle.__z__(*q)]).reshape((3,))
            vec2 = np.array([particle.__dx__[k](*q), particle.__dy__[k](*q), particle.__dz__[k](*q)]).reshape((3,))
            res = np.hstack((res, np.array([particle.m * np.cross(vec1, vec2)]).reshape((3, 1))))

        A = np.hstack((A, res.sum(axis = 1).reshape((3,1))))

    A = A.reshape((3, q.shape[0]))

    G11 = inv(inertia_tensor - np.dot(np.dot(A, inv(a)), A.transpose()))
    G22 = inv(a - np.dot(np.dot(A.transpose(), inv(inertia_tensor)), A))
    G12 = - np.dot(np.dot(G11, A), inv(a))

    angular_component = 0.5 * np.dot(np.dot(J_vector, G11), J_vector)
    kinetic_component = 0.5 * np.dot(np.dot(p.transpose(), G22), p) 
    coriolis_component = np.dot(np.dot(J_vector, G12), p)

    return angular_component + kinetic_component + coriolis_component

dham_dq = grad(hamiltonian, argnum = 0)
print dham_dq(q, p, theta0, varphi0)
rainwoodman commented 7 years ago

How many particles are you targeting?

artfin commented 7 years ago

Sorry, hasn't been clear. I'm targeting not so many particles (5-7 in the nearest future), but I need to solve ODE system varying initial conditions to obtain 100.000 and more classical trajectories.

rainwoodman commented 7 years ago

Have you considered writing the particle state as a vector (numpy array), and write the hamiltonian as a sequence of vector operators on the state vector? I heard autograd is slow when there are lots of list and Python objects.

artfin commented 7 years ago

I don't think it's possible, because the particle state should consist of differentiable functions (both the coordinates and derivatives of coordinates are needed to construct hamiltonian ).

rainwoodman commented 7 years ago

I am not so sure about this. Could you write down the equation of motion?

artfin commented 7 years ago

eqs The system of equations to solve looks like this. The derivatives of hamiltonian by angular momentum components are calculated from derivatives of hamiltonian by angles (theta, varphi -- the spherical angles describing the direction of angular momentum vector, they are passed to hamiltonian function). angles The thing is, that to construct the hamiltonian I need first to calculate the lagrangian (or the matrices that it is constructed from -- a, A, inertia tensor in code snippet above), here is the math form of the matrices a, A: a_derivs There are derivatives of radius vector (of each particle) by internal coordinates (in the code snippet above there is the only one internal coordinate q). For each particle I specify the functional form of a radius vector, so that in the hamiltonian these derivatives by internal coordinates could be taken. I think the radius vectors and derivatives of the radius vectors could be used in the numerical form, but it can get tricky for a system with multiple internal coordinates. And I don't see how it would provide speed up. EDIT. https://github.com/artfin/classical-trajectories/blob/master/automatic-solver/automatic_solver.py Here's how I did it. I thought that the ODE part doesn't relate too much too autograd, so decided not to attach additional code.