HIPS / autograd

Efficiently computes derivatives of NumPy code.
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Second derivative on a multivariate function with 6 parameters #417

Open dtonevsurf opened 6 years ago

dtonevsurf commented 6 years ago

Hello Everyone,

Does anyone know how to use autograd to calculate the second derivative of a multivariate function?

Any example will be highly appreciated.

The second derivative value is not reconciling with a closed form solution. The first derivatives are spot on. Probably, I am misusing autograd and I would like to ask for the correct way of setting the calculation up. Any help will be appreciated.

Unexpected results

Below is the line under question, while, the complete scrip is further down. from autograd import elementwise_grad as egrad greeks_nd = egrad(egrad(_local_price))(args) More specifically I am interested in this value egrad(egrad(_local_price))(args)[0]


I am trying to calculated the Greeks of Black Scholes European Options formula. The option price formula is differentiated by hand and the result from it is compared to autograd. The second derivative "Gamma" w.r.t. price is what I could not get correctly from autograd.

For completeness the Balck Scholes formula can be seen here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black%E2%80%93Scholes_model

The pricing formula is called: def black76_call(x, k, r, v, t_exps): The second derivative of the pricing formula is derived by hand and is called: def black76_call_gamma(x, k, r, v, t_exps):

The result is then compared to egrad(egrad(_local_price))(args)[0]


from autograd import grad import autograd.numpy as np from autograd.scipy.stats import norm from autograd.scipy.special import erfc from collections import OrderedDict

NEGINVSQR2 = -0.7071067811865475

N = norm.cdf pdf = norm.pdf

def black76_call(x, k, r, v, t_exps): """Black-76 call price

x  : asset price
k  : strike
r  : interest rate
v  : annualised asset volatility
t_exps : time to expiry (in years)

Returns present value of Black-76 call option
df = np.exp(-r*t_exps)
vol = v*t_exps**(1./2.)
d1 = np.log(x / k) / vol + 0.5*vol
d2 = d1 - vol
P1 = 0.5*erfc(d1 * NEGINVSQR2)
P2 = 0.5*erfc(d2 * NEGINVSQR2)
return df * (x*P1 - k*P2)

def black76_call_delta(x, k, r, v, t_exps): df = np.exp(- r t_exps) d1 = (np.log(x / k) + np.power(v, 2) / 2. t_exps) / (v np.sqrt(t_exps)) return df N(d1)

def black76_call_gamma(x, k, r, v, t_exps): vst = v np.sqrt(t_exps) df = np.exp(- r t_exps) d1 = (np.log(x / k) + np.power(v, 2) / 2. t_exps) / (v np.sqrt(t_exps)) return (df pdf(d1)) / (x vst)

def black76_call_vega(x, k, r, v, t_exps): df = np.exp(- r t_exps) d1 = (np.log(x / k) + np.power(v, 2) / 2. t_exps) / (v np.sqrt(t_exps)) return df x pdf(d1) np.sqrt(t_exps)

def black_ad_greeks(args):

def _local_price(args):
    return black76_call(*args)

output = OrderedDict()
pv = _local_price(args)

greeks_st = grad(_local_price)(args)

# Unexpected results 
from autograd import elementwise_grad as egrad
greeks_nd = egrad(egrad(_local_price))(args)

output['pv'] = pv
output['delta'] = greeks_st[0]

# Unexpected results 
output['gamma'] = greeks_nd[0]
output['vega'] = greeks_st[3]
return output
neonwatty commented 5 years ago

Here's a small example using the hessian function.

from autograd import numpy as np
from autograd import grad
from autograd import hessian

# an example function
g = lambda w: 5*w[0]**2 + 7*w[1]**2

# define a test input
w = np.array([1.0,1.0])

# compute gradient function, then evaluate
nabla_g = grad(g)
print (nabla_g(w))

# compute hessian (second derivative matrix), then evaluate
hess_g = hessian(g)
print (hess_g(w))
MaxHalford commented 5 years ago

The thing is that using hessian computes the full Hessian; would it be possible to only compute the diagonal of the Hessian? I know we can extract from the output of hessian but this entails unnecessary computation.

neonwatty commented 5 years ago

EDIT: THIS PROPOSED SOLUTION DOES NOT WORK IN GENERAL - see dougalm's answer in #445 for explanation

With only six variables it might not be too big of a deal. Nonetheless, here's an updated example version of the example above that includes a computation of only the diagonal of the Hessian (the pure second derivatives). In short - use elementwise_grad twice.

from autograd import numpy as np
from autograd import hessian
from autograd import elementwise_grad

# an example function
g = lambda w: 5*w[0]**2 + 7*w[1]**2

# define a test point
w = np.array([2.0,2.0])

# compute gradient function, then evaluate
nabla_g = elementwise_grad(g)
print ('gradient = ' + str(nabla_g(w)))

# compute hessian (second derivative matrix), then evaluate
hess_g = hessian(g)
print ('hessian at test point = ' + str(hess_g(w)))

# NEW: just the pure second derivatives - the diagonal of the hessian
diag_hess_g = elementwise_grad(nabla_g)
print ('diagonal of hessian at test point = ' + str(diag_hess_g(w)))

PS: you can check out the entire list of built in differential operators here.