Open Samuel-Bachorik opened 1 year ago
Have you got the answer? I have the same problem. I need to get the formula of the first derivative of the function
I do not know whether this is possible with autograd, but if your function is simple enough, can give you both the mathematical formula and a Python program to compute the gradient.
Using your function (vector(1) - exp(-2 * x)) ./ (vector(1) + exp(-2 * x))
I used the Jacobian here since grad
only works for scalar-valued functions, but I wanted to show a more general case. You can also select x is a [scalar]
from the list on the website to get the gradient for a scalar value.
import autograd.numpy as np
from autograd import jacobian
# Output from
def fAndG(x):
assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray)
dim = x.shape
assert len(dim) == 1
x_rows = dim[0]
t_0 = np.exp(-(2 * x))
t_1 = (np.ones(x_rows) + t_0)
t_2 = (np.ones(x_rows) - t_0)
functionValue = (t_2 / t_1)
gradient = ((2 * np.diag((t_0 / t_1))) + (2 * np.diag(((t_2 * t_0) / (t_1 * t_1)))))
return functionValue, gradient
def tanh(x):
y = np.exp(-2.0 * x)
return (1.0 - y) / (1.0 + y)
x = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
tanh_x, jacobian_tanh_x = fAndG(x)
# tanh(x) matches
assert np.allclose(tanh_x, tanh(x))
# Jacobian matches
assert np.allclose(jacobian_tanh_x, jacobian(tanh)(x))
You could also visualize the computational graph with Jax, but that is a bit more involved:
Hi, when I use autograd, it is possible to see its gradient function? Or in other words, it is possible to see derivative of that function? Or is it possible to see computational graph?
For example, I want to see grad_tanh function
Thank you