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[Frontend] Make better Login Page #99

Closed Kajol-Kumari closed 3 years ago

Kajol-Kumari commented 3 years ago

Screenshot from 2020-12-28 12-44-18

the-supernova commented 3 years ago

I would like to work on making a better login page(DWOC Participant)

Kajol-Kumari commented 3 years ago

Sure @the-supernova go ahead with this issue. Looking forward to your PR :)

shraddha-amber commented 3 years ago

Can i also work on this ?

Kajol-Kumari commented 3 years ago

Hey @shraddha-1402 sure. You can also work on this!

the-supernova commented 3 years ago

I'm new to React...I couldn't find how to make changes to the login button( I tried tweaking loginBtn class and State)..could you guide me in this?

Kajol-Kumari commented 3 years ago

I'm new to React...I couldn't find how to make changes to the login button( I tried tweaking loginBtn class and State)..could you guide me in this?

Hey @the-supernova go to this file and in here we are using bootstrap so you need to do change sin here and see if you are getting the desired output

the-supernova commented 3 years ago

I'm new to React...I couldn't find how to make changes to the login button( I tried tweaking loginBtn class and State)..could you guide me in this?

Hey @the-supernova go to this file and in here we are using bootstrap so you need to do change sin here and see if you are getting the desired output

I'm there itself, trying to tweak the loginBtn class...I'm not able to resize the login button

shraddha-amber commented 3 years ago


Is this login page okay? or should i make any other changes?

Kajol-Kumari commented 3 years ago

@the-supernova @the-supernova Try making a complete new login component with the fields same as we have now and you can take a look at contact page for the look reference :)

shraddha-amber commented 3 years ago


Is this login page okay? or should i make any other changes?

@Kajol-Kumari please give suggestions

Abhishek971999 commented 3 years ago

image Is this login page okay? or should i make any other changes?

@Kajol-Kumari please give suggestions

@shraddha-1402 try to make a new design discarding this one. You can check out the contact page for inspiration and build something similar to that if you like or if you have something even better go ahead with that.

shraddha-amber commented 3 years ago

image Is this login page okay? or should i make any other changes?

@Kajol-Kumari please give suggestions

@shraddha-1402 try to make a new design discarding this one. You can check out the contact page for inspiration and build something similar to that if you like or if you have something even better go ahead with that.

okay, working on it now!

Amit366 commented 3 years ago

Can I work on this issue??

Kajol-Kumari commented 3 years ago

Sure @Amit366 go ahead with this issue

kenkirito commented 3 years ago

can i work on this issue

vaishnavirshah commented 3 years ago

Hi, can I contribute to this issue as a part of SWOC-21 ?

Kajol-Kumari commented 3 years ago

Hey @kenkirito asyou are already working on two major issues, I request you to finish them first. @vaishnavirshah you can go ahead with this issue :)

shraddha-amber commented 3 years ago

image Does this login page design look good? should i send pr?

Kajol-Kumari commented 3 years ago

Yes @shraddha-1402 looks great! go for making the PR

vaishnavirshah commented 3 years ago

@Kajol-Kumari This is the login page I have designed, similar to the contact us page. Since I am not familiar with react, I couldn't do it in the frontend folder and have separately created it. I have used bootstrap for this and have made it responsive using it. If you could guide me how to implement it in the website it will be great!


Kajol-Kumari commented 3 years ago

@vaishnavirshah looks nice just the form needs a bit of enhancement. For the coding part, I would recommend you to take help from already written code of login form. Pull the latest changes and go through the code once by parallely runing it. you would be able to see which part is doing what and similarly you can implement your design

vaishnavirshah commented 3 years ago

This is the login page I have designed.

Normal: LoginPage

Hover over submit: LoginPageHover

Are there any changes I should make or should I make a PR?

Kajol-Kumari commented 3 years ago

Hey @vaishnavirshah this design looks nice, just make the input fields similar to the fields we have in contact-us page and also keep the submit button similar to the contact-us page in order to be consistent. Also I request you to make a folder by your name under auth folder and keep all your login code in there in order to avoid the conflict.

vaishnavirshah commented 3 years ago


Is this fine?

Kajol-Kumari commented 3 years ago

Yes! @vaishnavirshah looks nice and clean. You can make the PR now

vaishnavirshah commented 3 years ago

@Kajol-Kumari For SWOC if I make PR today will it get counted or should I make it tomorrow?

Kajol-Kumari commented 3 years ago

Make it tomorrow, just to be on safe side :)