HITS-MCM / gromacs-ramd

Random Acceleration Molecular Dynamics in GROMACS
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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I am wondering whether parameter names in the README are inconsistent with those in your software? #22

Closed physicshinzui closed 3 years ago

physicshinzui commented 3 years ago

I am using the latest version (release-2020).

Your README suggests some parameters for a RAMD mdp file, such asramd-receptor and ramd-force. However, if I use the option names in my RAMD mdp, the gromacs seems not to recognise these properly. The reason for that is likely to come from inconsistent names in README and in your program. Am I correct?

Let me show mdout.mdp generated by the RAMD:

 ; RAMD                 
 ramd                     = yes
 ramd-seed                = 16136
 ramd-ngroups             = 1
 ramd-group1-receptor     = Protein
 ramd-group1-receptor-pbc-atom = 0
 ramd-group1-ligand       = INH
 ramd-group1-ligand-pbc-atom = 0
 ramd-group1-force        = 600
 ramd-group1-r-min-dist   = 0.0025
 ramd-group1-max-dist     = 4
 ramd-pbc-ref-prev-step-com = yes
 ramd-eval-freq           = 50
 ramd-force-out-freq      = 10
 ramd-old-angle-dist      = no

This seems not to reflect my mdp file:

; RAMD setting
 ramd = yes
 ramd-seed           = 16136; Seed for random direction
 ramd-force          = 585.2  ; The force constant. 585.2 kJ mol-1 nm-1 = 14 kcal/mol A *10*4.18
 ramd-eval-freq      = 50     ; This parameter affect absolute dissociation time but have less effect on the relative dissociation times of different compounds. It is recommended to use default value.
 ramd-r-min-dist     = 0.0025 ; nm. This parameter affect absolute dissociation time but have less effect on the relative dissociation times of different compounds. It is recommended to use default value.
 ramd-force-out-freq = 10     ; This ramd parameter resets pull-nstxout and pull-nstfout.
 ramd-max-dist       = 5.0    ; nm
 ramd-receptor       = Protein
 ramd-ligand         = r_1-4
BerndDoser commented 3 years ago

Yes, you are right. We have changed the mdp options in Version 2.0 for multiple binding sites (#15). The README refers to the latest stable release, which is at the moment version 1.1. I will update the README when the final version is released. In the user guide the mdp options are already updated.