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run problems #5

Closed CoderDoubleTen closed 8 months ago

CoderDoubleTen commented 10 months ago

Camera1.k3 optional parameter does not exist... -Loaded camera 1 Camera.newHeight optional parameter does not exist... Camera.newWidth optional parameter does not exist... -Loaded image info -Loaded RGB-D calibration -Loaded ORB settings Viewer.imageViewScale optional parameter does not exist... -Loaded viewer settings System.LoadAtlasFromFile optional parameter does not exist... System.SaveAtlasToFile optional parameter does not exist... -Loaded Atlas settings System.thFarPoints optional parameter does not exist... -Loaded misc parameters SLAM settings: -Camera 1 parameters (Pinhole): [ 535.4 539.2 320.1 247.6 ] -Camera 1 distortion parameters: [ 0 0 0 0 ] -Original image size: [ 640 , 480 ] -Current image size: [ 640 , 480 ] -Sequence FPS: 30 -RGB-D depth map factor: 5000 -Features per image: 1500 -ORB scale factor: 1.2 -ORB number of scales: 8 -Initial FAST threshold: 20 -Min FAST threshold: 7

Loading ORB Vocabulary. This could take a while... terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what(): std::bad_alloc 已放弃

HJMGARMIN commented 10 months ago

I have changed the vocabulary file from txt to bin. Therefore, please use "./Vocabulary/ORBvoc.bin"

CoderDoubleTen commented 10 months ago


CoderDoubleTen commented 10 months ago

jieguo 请问我运行结果怎么只有这两个窗口,而且没有剔除掉动态点,好像就是原本的orb-slam3的效果,请问原本的运行结果是什么呢?谢谢

HJMGARMIN commented 10 months ago


CoderDoubleTen commented 10 months ago


HJMGARMIN commented 10 months ago


CoderDoubleTen commented 10 months ago


CoderDoubleTen commented 9 months ago

请问一下按照你的源码,我xyz数据集跑出来的std 为0.010,rmse为0.018.跟你论文的实验数据差了不少,请问能帮我分析一下是什么原因吗?谢谢

HJMGARMIN commented 9 months ago
