[WWW'2023] "MMSSL: Multi-Modal Self-Supervised Learning for Recommendation"
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The tiktok dataset #1

Closed WillowKaze closed 1 year ago

WillowKaze commented 1 year ago

I will appreciate your great work on multi-modal recommendation!I am trying to work on the multimodal encoding, so I just want to see it can achieve higher performance with other feature extractor. I am wondering is it possible to get access to the raw data? Thank you!

weiwei1206 commented 1 year ago

I will appreciate your great work on multi-modal recommendation!I am trying to work on the multimodal encoding, so I just want to see it can achieve higher performance with other feature extractor. I am wondering is it possible to get access to the raw data? Thank you!

Amazon-baby/sports: Tiktok: Please refer to "MMGCN: Multi-modal Graph Convolution Network for Personalized Recommendation of Micro-video" Allrecipes: Please refer to "Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-aware Food Recommendation"

weiwei1206 commented 1 year ago

The official website of the ‘Tiktok’ dataset has been closed. Thus, we also provide a 'large version' of the preprocessed Tiktok-70710 (Code: wiak). Again, we spent a lot of time pre-processing this dataset, so if you use our preprocessed Tiktok dataset in your work please cite our paper.