[EMNLP'2024] "XRec: Large Language Models for Explainable Recommendation"
Apache License 2.0
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关于 4.4 Model Robustness against Data Sparsity #6

Open sugarandgugu opened 4 days ago

sugarandgugu commented 4 days ago


Martin-qyma commented 4 days ago

Thank you for your interest in XRec! The dataset in Section 4.4 is organized based on the frequency of user appearances in the training data. Here are detailed steps to separate the data:

Notice that users who appear only in the test or validation datasets and not during the training process are considered zero-shot users. We hope this helps clarify your concerns.

sugarandgugu commented 1 day ago


Martin-qyma commented 1 day ago

TripAdvisor lacks item descriptions, which sets it apart from our datasets. However, you can create descriptions yourself using a similar process to how we construct user descriptions. The approach involves feeding a LLM (e.g. gpt-3.5-turbo) with selected reviews that the item has received. The LLM then summarizes these interactions to determine the nature of the item and generates a concise sentence description. This method is equally applicable to generating user descriptions. We hope this would help.