This is official repo for ICLR 2023 Paper "DENSE RGB SLAM WITH NEURAL IMPLICIT MAPS"
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Warping loss construction #11

Closed shanjiwei closed 11 months ago

shanjiwei commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'd like to ask about a detail mentioned in the paper: why is it necessary to assume that the depth of each pixel point in the patch is the same as the depth of the sampling point when constructing patch-based warping loss? Why not get the depth value corresponding to each pixel in the patch directly from the rendered depth map? a5ec54dd3abd31f996394551f0f1319

poptree commented 1 year ago


Good question.

"get the depth value corresponding to each pixel in the patch directly from the rendered depth map" implies the requirement of rendering more pixels.

Let A be the number of rendered pixels. If we assume the depth of each pixel point in the patch has the same depth value as the center pixel, we only need to render A pixels. If we get the pixel depth value from the rendered depth map, which implies rendering $s\times s\times A$ pixels. It will make batch size much larger the the previous one.

Another implementation is using perspective warping. However, it requires backward twice, which is also slow, as we mentioned in the rebuttal in OpenReview.

poptree commented 1 year ago

By the way, I have tried this implementation. However, I only found that it is EXTREMELY time-consuming without any performance boost.