This is official repo for ICLR 2023 Paper "DENSE RGB SLAM WITH NEURAL IMPLICIT MAPS"
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Is there any helpers about how to build the dataset or even the conda environment ? #7

Closed JerryPW closed 8 months ago

JerryPW commented 12 months ago

It seems the README file provide few information so that people can't easily replicate your work. Could you provide more specific details? Thanks a lot!

poptree commented 12 months ago


Thank you for your advice. As I mentioned in the README, this is the re-implementation version of DIM-SLAM. I use the NICE-SLAM as the code base to ensure most parts mentioned in our paper can reproduce and work well.

  1. I will add more training detail in the README.
  2. In the current version, you can install the conda environment of NICE-SLAM to run DIM-SLAM. The datasets and running commands of these two methods are shared.

Again, thank you for your suggestion.