HKUST-Aerial-Robotics / A-LOAM

Advanced implementation of LOAM
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Losing intensity values when recording from /velodyne_cloud_registered #50

Open DevinBayly opened 1 year ago

DevinBayly commented 1 year ago

I'm using a-loam as part of a ros workflow to help stabilize point clouds captured with an ouster lidar scanner. I feed a-loam data played from a bag (referred to as pc.bag) containing PointCloud2 and imu messages while recording the the /velodyne_cloud_registered topic of PointCloud2 messages.

My issue when I visualize this data is I only see colored rings from bottom to top instead of intensity values. image

After inspecting some of the code base I see that there is a line setting the intensity value to something else, but when I comment it out, I still don't get the correct values.

Is there some where in the code where I can specify that I want the original values which my pc.bag has?