I'm interested in capturing in a ros bag the pose and orientation values applied to the /velodyne_cloud_registered, would I be capturing the right topic if I used /aft_mapped_to_init ?
My thinking is that if I can't preserve the intensity values going into the aloam process then perhaps I can use these pose and orientation values to transform the pointcloud messages so each time step aligns correctly.
If there's a different way to get the pose and orientation values that get applied to the point cloud on the /velodyne_cloud_registered topic I'd love to know! Thanks
I'm interested in capturing in a ros bag the pose and orientation values applied to the /velodyne_cloud_registered, would I be capturing the right topic if I used
?My thinking is that if I can't preserve the intensity values going into the aloam process then perhaps I can use these pose and orientation values to transform the pointcloud messages so each time step aligns correctly.
If there's a different way to get the pose and orientation values that get applied to the point cloud on the /velodyne_cloud_registered topic I'd love to know! Thanks