HKUST-Aerial-Robotics / D2SLAM

$D^2$SLAM: Decentralized and Distributed Collaborative Visual-inertial SLAM System for Aerial Swarm
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Running on PC #4

Open myboyhood opened 1 year ago

myboyhood commented 1 year ago

When I'd like to run this project on my PC, I chose to run “roslaunch d2vins realsense.launch” and then I changed the params in d435_single.yaml such as "

imu_topic: "/dji_sdk_1/dji_sdk/imu"

image0_topic: "/camera/infra1/image_rect_raw"

image1_topic: "/camera/infra2/image_rect_raw"

" and left.yaml and right.yaml "projection_parameters:" to my params, then I try to roslaunch, but when the terminal writes “ [ INFO] [1683553483.037062515]: D2VINS node 1 initialized. Ready to start. [ INFO] [1683553483.037151392]: Starting d2vins_net lcm.

” then it cannot write anything on the screen, just looks like to wait for some other topics??? but there are any other input topics except imu and camera/infra1 /infra2 ?

myboyhood commented 1 year ago

and when I run now, the imu_sub can subscribe the imu topic, but pgo_fused_sub sub nothing " imu_sub = nh.subscribe(params->imu_topic, 1000, &D2VINSNode::imuCallback, this, ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay()); //We need a big queue for IMU. pgo_fused_sub = nh.subscribe("/d2pgo/swarm_fused", 1, &D2VINSNode::pgoSwarmFusedCallback, this, ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay()); " but where does the "/d2pgo/swarm_fused" come from ? i cannot find who publishes this topic in project

xuhao1 commented 1 year ago

@myboyhood This topic is published by D2PGO at this line You should launch with enable_loop:=true enable_pgo:=true to enable this.