HKUST-Aerial-Robotics / D2SLAM

$D^2$SLAM: Decentralized and Distributed Collaborative Visual-inertial SLAM System for Aerial Swarm
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Mavros local position drifting #50

Open arnab-source opened 3 weeks ago

arnab-source commented 3 weeks ago

Have done the followings:

  1. Calibration
  2. Running both IMU and camera.
  3. Running D2SLAM
  4. Getting odometry message with 4 hz, and imu_propagation message with 250 hz.
  5. Observed no drift : checked with path message
  6. published odometry message in "/mavros/vision_pose/pose" message.

But, the topic "/mavros/local_position/pose" topic is drifting after lifting up the drone (while vision odometry did not drift). Can you please provide some information on how to fuse the vision data with px4 ekf2. Thanks.