HKUST-Aerial-Robotics / DenseSurfelMapping

This is the open-source version of ICRA 2019 submission "Real-time Scalable Dense Surfel Mapping"
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Some issue about sync topics #12

Closed YiChenCityU closed 4 years ago

YiChenCityU commented 5 years ago

Hi, when I try this code on my own device (d435i), I met this problem. The depth msg cannot be received by surfel_fusion. I think the sync policy has some bug. Thanks very much. Screenshot from 2019-09-03 17-20-08

WANG-KX commented 5 years ago

It is hard to find if there are any bugs given only one image. Could you provide more information?

YiChenCityU commented 5 years ago

I found that my data always has "image_time >pose_reference_time", which cause endless loop.

WANG-KX commented 5 years ago

well... You are using the ORB branch? Also, the intrinsic parameter is very confusing. Are you sure the fx and fy are different so much? And cy is 237.3. What's the resolution of your depth camera?

qmoji commented 4 years ago
