HKUST-Aerial-Robotics / DenseSurfelMapping

This is the open-source version of ICRA 2019 submission "Real-time Scalable Dense Surfel Mapping"
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Get a global consistent point cloud #19

Closed zhaozhongch closed 4 years ago

zhaozhongch commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your work! I try to use the VIN-supported branch but I met some problems. The following picture is just used to show what my dataset looks like 2989 023949 There is a table and there is some stuff on that table, the camera will move around the table and keep filming the table. I publish the raw point cloud to rviz. The topic is surfel_fusion/raw_pointcloud as shown in your code。 gif_raw You can see the desk is moving. But the problem is that the desk should not move. The camera is moving but the scene should standstill. If I don't publish the raw point cloud and publish the point cloud(pointcloud_noceil) instead I'll end up with a point cloud looks like the following in rviz gif_postprocess Sorry maybe you cannot see it very clearly but you focus on the moving part of the point cloud you can still see there is a round table that is moving. What I hope is the table remain still, the scene may extend as the camera moves. Now the table seems to move along with the camera.

The rosbag's topic is

topics:    /depth         1169 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Image        
             /groundtruth   3003 msgs    : geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
             /image0        1169 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Image             
             /imu0          9069 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Imu

The depth is strictly align with the image0. I modify your surfel_fusion launch file to (ignore the camera intrinsics setting)

    <remap from="~image" to="/image0" />
    <remap from="~depth" to="/depth" />
   <remap from="~loop_path" to="/vins_estimator/path" />
   <remap from="~extrinsic_pose" to="/vins_estimator/extrinsic" />

I play the rosbag, VINS-Mono will subscribe to image0, imu0 to generate the camera's motion. Your package will subscribe to image0, depth directly from rosbag and /vins_estimator/path, /vins_estimator/extrinsic generated by VINS. Correct me if my operation is wrong. The VINS itself can give me pretty good pose estimation. I have compared it with the ground truth.

WANG-KX commented 4 years ago

Hi, surfel_fusion/raw_pointcloud is the transformed pointcloud and should be attached to the world frame. In your case, there must be some issues with the system.

In my demos, we use vins-fusion instead of vins-mono. I am not sure that the path in vins-mono is the same to that in vins-fusion. It should be the IMU pose in the world frame.

I cannot debug the system with a few gifs. The pose of the pointcloud is determined by both /vins_estimator/extrinsic and /vins_estimator/path. If you guarantee that the path is correct, I recommend you check the extrinsic estimation to see if it drifts or is wrong (Although it should be estimated well when path is good).

WANG-KX commented 4 years ago

I checked my code. publish_raw_pointcloud(depth, image, fuse_pose) does not guarantee that the messages are synchronized well in your system. I think this is the first thing you should check. You can show me the log of surfel fusion from your terminal.

zhaozhongch commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your reply. In fact I am using the VINS-FUSION too... I took two screenshots about the log. I took the following one when the dataset starts log1 After a while I took the other one log2 I personally think it shuld be the coordinate system's problem. I publish the path(generated by surfel fusion) and the point cloud(not raw point cloud) together to rviz and get the following screenshots path1 path2 path3 You can clearly see that when the path is a half-circle the point cloud is a half-circle too and when the path finishes a loop the pointcloud also finishes a loop. It really feels likes the pointcloud just show "how the camera moves" instead of showing what the scene looks like. I double-check the /vins_estimator/path topic I published to your system, it is in visualization.cpp file of VINS-FUSION and it publishes the estimator.Ps, estimator.Rs, which is the pose Position of sensor (Ps) and rotation of sensor (Rs) and the frame name is "world" so I can make sure it is the IMU pose in world frame. I also try to publish the /loop_fusion/pose_graph_path(in VINS loop fusion package, pose_graph.cpp) to replace the /vins_estimator/path. The result(path generated by surfel fusion and point cloud) is similar. My dataset is not very large so it doesn't have a big difference whether I use loop closure of VINS or not. Em... So in short I think it should be the coordinate system's problem but the coordinate I publish to your system is correct. Really confusing. Thanks again for taking time reading this!

WANG-KX commented 4 years ago

Well... I can't figure out any other reasons since the messages are synchronized successfully. Let's make sure that: 1, you said the VINS pose is correct, right? 2, is driftfree_loop_path from SufelMapping correct? and is consistent with that of VINS-fusion? (driftfree_loop_path publishes the camera pose in the world frame). 3, have you checked the intrinsic parameter in your launch file?

zhaozhongch commented 4 years ago

Hi KX You are right. The drift free loop path's scale is different with vins path. It reminds me that it should be the scaling factor's problem. I checked your scaling factor is 0.001 while my dataset is 0.0002. I correct that and get the result I want. correct_result

yueshukun commented 4 years ago

@zhaozhongch Excuse me.What camera did you use to record rosbag?

zhaozhongch commented 4 years ago

@yueshukun I didn't use camera to record the bag. The dataset is from here It should be table_3 or table_4 I write a script to convert the original dataset to rosbag.

yueshukun commented 4 years ago

@zhaozhongch I got it.Thanks.