HKUST-Aerial-Robotics / FC-Planner

[ICRA'24 Best UAV Paper Award Finalist] An Efficient Global Planner for Aerial Coverage
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to change a different structure, such as a bridge to do the simulation? #10

Closed lida2003 closed 5 months ago

lida2003 commented 5 months ago


I'm very interestind in 3D scene re-construction, I wanna know much more detaild info.

Now, I wanna know how to change a different object, such as a bridge, to do the simulation?


Chen-Albert-FENG commented 5 months ago

You can refer to this issue how to use own dataset. If you want to use your own data, you should carefully adjust the parameters following readme.

lida2003 commented 5 months ago

It's more general. As a newbee to the area, I hope more info or links to the tools or step by step tutorials.

Maybe some related links to those concepts/tools will help.

Hope to see more in-depth readme on

Chen-Albert-FENG commented 5 months ago

It's more general. As a newbee to the area, I hope more info or links to the tools or step by step tutorials.

Maybe some related links to those concepts/tools will help.

Hope to see more in-depth readme on


  1. I think the readme documentation is clear and you can change some parameters in the launch file for your own application. 20240607-124520
  2. More specific tutorials? Please see and As for how to change input file, I think it's easy to find the corresponding parameters.
  3. Since FC-Hetero is submitted to IROS2024, still under review, this project cannot be open-source now. Once accepted, we will release our code.
lida2003 commented 5 months ago

@Chen-Albert-FENG Thanks for you kindly help and quick response. That's a startup point for me. Thanks again.