HKUST-Aerial-Robotics / MVDepthNet

This repository provides PyTorch implementation for 3DV 2018 paper "MVDepthNet: real-time multiview depth estimation neural network"
GNU General Public License v3.0
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how to find the camera intrinsic and the relative camera pose #16

Closed vigneshgig closed 5 years ago

vigneshgig commented 5 years ago

you mentioned that to use own dataset you have get the camera parameter can you suggest any any tutorial regarding this camera parameter estimation and also I have one more doubt what is camera_k in how to find that camera_k parameter .


WANG-KX commented 5 years ago

camera calibration can be found here: and the relative pose can be solved by VIO tracker, for example, VINS-Mono.

vigneshgig commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the reply, I want to find left pose , right pose and camera_k for my own dataset or any other parameter i have to find is camera_k array is relative pose.

WANG-KX commented 5 years ago

well, I don't understand what do you mean...

vigneshgig commented 5 years ago

in there is a array (camera_k) what is it represent camera_k = np.asarray([ [525.0, 0, 319.5], [0, 525.0, 239.5], [0, 0, 1]])

WANG-KX commented 5 years ago

This is the camera matrix, also known as the intrinsic matrix. Camera poses are also referred as extrinsic matrix.