HKUST-Aerial-Robotics / VINS-Mono

A Robust and Versatile Monocular Visual-Inertial State Estimator
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Performance Degradation in 'vins_estimator/odometry' Due to 'yaw_diff' Usage in 'double2vector()' #438

Open zhangbb-john opened 7 months ago

zhangbb-john commented 7 months ago


Hi, I am a PhD student specializing in robotics. I've observed a performance degradation in the vins_estimator/odometry result, specifically related to the use of yaw_diff in the double2vector() function, although I understand the reasons for use of yaw_diff ( This observation holds true for both publicly available datasets and my own collected data.

Reproduction Steps:

If I change part of the code in estimator.cpp to

    Vector3d origin_R00 = Utility::R2ypr(Quaterniond(para_Pose[0][6],
    // double y_diff = origin_R0.x() - origin_R00.x();
    double y_diff = 0;
    std::cout << "y_diff is " << y_diff << std::endl;
    Matrix3d rot_diff = Utility::ypr2R(Vector3d(y_diff, 0, 0));
    if (abs(abs(origin_R0.y()) - 90) < 1.0 || abs(abs(origin_R00.y()) - 90) < 1.0)
        ROS_DEBUG("euler singular point!");
        rot_diff = Rs[0] * Quaterniond(para_Pose[0][6],

the result is

Aligning using Umeyama's method...
Rotation of alignment:
[[  3.57686148e-01  -9.33822824e-01   5.96258294e-03]
 [  9.33840352e-01   3.57689753e-01  -4.86746397e-04]
 [ -1.67821993e-03   5.74220300e-03   9.99982105e-01]]
Translation of alignment:
[ 4.26574792 -1.84399577  0.57479525]
Scale correction: 1.0
Compared 1075 absolute pose pairs.
Calculating APE for translation part pose relation...
APE w.r.t. translation part (m)
(with SE(3) Umeyama alignment)

       max      0.414560
      mean      0.246269
    median      0.238913
       min      0.073168
      rmse      0.255384
       sse      70.112555
       std      0.067619



Upon investigation, it has been noted that excluding the usage of yaw_diff results in improved performance. This observation is consistent not only with publicly available datasets but also holds true for my proprietary data.

Offer for Collaboration:

If anyone is interested in delving deeper into this issue or has insights into the underlying reasons, please feel free to reach out. I welcome collaboration and discussion on this matter. You can contact me at [].

I am seeking clarification or insights from the community on why the exclusion of yaw_diff leads to enhanced performance. Any explanations or discussions on this topic would be greatly appreciated.