HL7-UK / UK-Core-Access

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Consumer searches for Patient using identifier #7

Closed Dunmail closed 1 year ago

Dunmail commented 1 year ago

i.e. search-type Patient interaction

Should we provide guidance around use of national identifiers (NHS Number, CHI Number etc)? How strongly should this guidance be enforced? Should the guidance be provided via implementation guidance OR via conformance resources (is this even possible?)?

Dunmail commented 1 year ago

Guidance will be provided for implementers to support searches using:

Following discussion, it was agreed that it will not be mandatory for an implementer to support any specific identifier type.

Dunmail commented 1 year ago

Interaction added to CapabilityStatement.fsh, draft documentation in capabilities.md.

Will need decision around creation of identifier systems for CHI, H&C numbers. #14

Dunmail commented 1 year ago

The IG will include a comparison with IHE PDQm so that implementers understand how the standards are related. It is anticipated that this IG will include a subset of capabilities from PDQm and that additional capabilities related to patient search will only be added where there is a demonstrable need within the UK.

Dunmail commented 1 year ago

Need comparison with International Patient Access

Dunmail commented 1 year ago

Added comparison table referencing PDQm, IPA, NHS PDS