Style updates (e.g., tables borders and text spacing)
Update best practice section on XHTML constraints (e.g., table errors)
Update best practice section to explain how to handle images
Clarify that this IG is the minimal requirements and a framework for all ePIs in the world (EMA, US, Brazil, Malaysia, Jordan). And how to handle region specific requirements or extensions
Clarify how to assign and use ids vs identifiers
Profile updates
Alignment with EMA
Alignment with JFDA
Move Language from Bundle to Composition
Example for each element of the QRD templates (SmPC, Label and Package Leaflet)
More detailed product information (e.g., pack layers, reconstituted product, kit or combo product). Reuse UNICOM examples.
Updates under consideration for the version after 1.1
Version 1.1 Administrative
Profile updates
Updates under consideration for the version after 1.1