HL7 / fhir-ig-publisher

Source code for the IG publisher
Apache License 2.0
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IG publisher always add "url" to FHIR resource #381

Open yuliumitre opened 2 years ago

yuliumitre commented 2 years ago

I am creating a profile based on SDC adaptive questionnaire profile which prohibits/removes "url" on a Questionnaire. When I create the FSH file for an instance of the profile I create, FHIR shorthand handles it correctly without adding "url" when generating the Questionnaire json file. However, when I run IG publisher, the publisher automatically adds "url" and other data elements to the Json file of the Questionnaire. The qa.html complains with the following error: Questionnaire.url: max allowed = 0, but found 1. I am wondering if this is a known issue.

Please see the zulip channel discussion: https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/179252-IG-creation/topic/IG.20Publisher.20always.20adds.20.22url.22.20to.20FHIR.20resources.20json

Chris Moesel also created a sample project to reproduce the issue. See attached zip file. QuestionnaireUrlBug.zip

cmoesel commented 2 years ago

Here is the same project as @yuliumitre linked to above but using straight JSON (instead of FSH) -- so that SUSHI is not in the picture at all: QuestionnaireUrlBugNoSUSHI.zip