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As a Radiologist I would like to synchronize the Exam in focus on all my running applications so I don't have to manually change the context in each system #5

Open jeremysrichardson opened 6 years ago

jeremysrichardson commented 6 years ago

This is Radiology specific, but is consistent with the need to sync at the encounter.

2+ applications...

IntegratorBrad commented 6 years ago

I think this is a good use case. I think it's important to clearly state the type of context that is shared. For example - EMR might not have the "exam in focus" but the radiologist would still want the "patient in focus".

We want to convey "change in view" and it is up to the other applications to decide what state they should be in. E.g., "PACS has changed to patient 123, study 456, and is currently displaying the study" may cause "EMR to change to patient 123 on the diagnostic tab". E.g., "PACS has switched to dictation mode on patient 123 study 456" means "EMR to change to patient 123 and prompt the radiologist if they are going to navigate away, so they can save their report".

I think it is also important to highlight "why" the radiologist wants this - in particular, the danger in having "broken context" (e.g., surgery planning use case, patient 1 has left arm amputated planned, patient 2 has right arm amputated planned; you don't want to have that context mixed up). Maintaining context saves lives!