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add wg extension to resolve some build errors #556

Closed isaacvetter closed 2 months ago

isaacvetter commented 2 months ago

When HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg extension

isaacvetter commented 2 months ago

That fixed some qa errors -- https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/fhircast-docs/branches/add-wg-extension/qa

No errors, two warnings:

And pub status says:

Publication Request: | The file package-list.json should not exist in the root folder No publication request found -- | --
isaacvetter commented 2 months ago

From: Marc Duteau Marc@hl7.org Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 6:49 PM To: Heuvel, Bas van den bas.van.den.heuvel@philips.com; Isaac Vetter Isaac@epic.com; Trent Nolin tnolin@epic.com Subject: Results of FMG QA Review session

External Mail. Careful of links / attachments. Submit Helpdesk if unsure.

Hi all,

There’s several things that will need to be done for FHIRcast to go to ballot.

[x] First, the version will need to be changed to 3.0.0-ballot and the label will need to be changed to STU 3 Ballot.

[x] You’ll also need a publication-request.json. The documentation is here: https://confluence.hl7.org/display/FHIR/IG+Publication+Request+Documentation The version will be 3.0.0-ballot, the path should end in 2024May, the mode will be “working” the status will be ballot, and the sequence will be STU 3.

[ ] It looks like you’ll also need to update your JIRA spec file.

[X] There are a few spots where the structuredefinition-wg extension is missing.

[ ] The explanation for why there are missing examples should explain why they aren’t derivable.

Finally, there are two things that aren’t necessary for FMG approval but are still good to have:

[ ] There’s a message where the text of the warning has changed so you’ll need to update your suppression of that warning.

[ ] With your fhir cast code system, assuming it’s something that you feel should remain in your IG you should initiate the process of getting an exemption from TSMG for it. Currently that’s just a matter of emailing the TSMG or one of its members with your request and getting on their agenda.

Thanks, Marc Duteau