HL7 / ig-template-base

Base IG template managed by HL7 but usable by anyone (no logos). The foundation for most HL7-published IGs
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Support markdown for ig.grouping #147

Open costateixeira opened 3 years ago

costateixeira commented 3 years ago

Markdown is supported, https://github.com/HL7/ig-template-base/blob/master/scripts/createArtifactSummary.xslt#L44 but this is not rendering well. to test - this markdown shows the bold text but not the bullets. It puts everything in the same line:

**Vaccination related resources**.
These are all resources related to vaccines.
* The vocabulary resources help ensure conformity and data consistency.
* The profile and extensions define the technical specifications.
* A set of examples demonstrates the use of the profile.