HL7 / ig-template-base

Base IG template managed by HL7 but usable by anyone (no logos). The foundation for most HL7-published IGs
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Move and rename the StructureDefinition 'summary' tab #161

Open lmckenzi opened 3 years ago

lmckenzi commented 3 years ago

The 'Summary' tab doesn't really represent a 'summary' of the profile from a business perspective. It doesn't summarize what the profile does. Instead, it just provides a list of statistics and lists dependencies. Therefore, rename the tab from 'Summary' to 'Stats and Refs'.

Also, this tab is largely useless to most users. The percentage of times someone comes to look at a profile, logical model or extension and the primary question on their mind is "I wonder how many mandatory elements this profile has" or "I wonder how many mustSupport elements it has" is near zero. The first step in getting to a profile or extension page is almost always clicking on the differential or occasionally mustSupport tab. Therefore, this tab should be moved to last in the list of tabs and the default tab should be the differential

Healthedata1 commented 3 years ago

I think it should be optional as well just like the xml, ttl, and xml tabs.

lmckenzi commented 3 years ago

Being able to turn it on or off is possible. Being able to change where it shows up is much harder. And the primary change here is moving it and renaming it. It's something we could evaluate making optional for non-HL7 IGs. For HL7, it should either be present for all HL7 IGs or removed from all - there shouldn't be any variability.

lmckenzi commented 2 years ago

Based on discussion, proposal is to rename the summary tab to "References", move it to the end, and update to ensure it includes:

Will also move the tab to be the second-last tab (right before 'all'). I.e. 'Differential' will now be the first tab.

robeastwood-agency commented 12 months ago

I believe that this is addressed, at least for standard Resource profiles. The tables in the section 'Formal Views of Profile Content' show the following (this example is US Core AllergyIntolerance Profile):


Noting the commit on this repo in Oct 2022 to revamp the tabs in layout-profile.html.

The rendering of the same table of Extension definitions however shows the old 'Text summary' tab etc; like this eg US Core Race Extension: image

I am therefore requesting that the same change be applied to the extension layout so that the respective table views are aligned.

However please advise if

FYI, as a contributor to the HL7 Australia FHIR IGs, I note that the maintainer of their templates introduced a work around to suppress the 'text summary' tab for extensions in layout-ext.html; see hl7.au.base.template layout-ext.html lines 40-44 and lines 71-82 (and a rendered HL7AU Australian Indigenous Status extension).