HL7 / ig-template-base

Base IG template managed by HL7 but usable by anyone (no logos). The foundation for most HL7-published IGs
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generated examples with use of URI expect a browseable link #171

Closed JohnMoehrke closed 3 years ago

JohnMoehrke commented 3 years ago

The IG build is auto generating narrative with an assumption that all datatypes of URL are clickable. Need a way to tell it (for a specific example) that it is just a URI.

IHE has a profiled operation that have parameters where one can pass in (among other thigns) a system value as a string URI. The examples put in an example URI (not url). The auto generated narrative presumes that the URI datatype is pointing at a browseable URL.


specifically THIS example http://build.fhir.org/ig/IHE/ITI.PIXm/branches/master/Parameters-pixm-request-mohralice-red-to-blue.html

specifically we do want to allow a system value to be a URN:OID

Should we have a set of root OIDs that are example OIDs? Much like we have support for a set of fake DomainNames for URLs like http://www.example.org.

lmckenzi commented 3 years ago

This actually needs to be raised against the publisher. The template doesn't generate narrative. Please close this once the new one is opened.

JohnMoehrke commented 3 years ago

drat. submitted it https://github.com/HL7/fhir-ig-publisher/issues/296