HL7 / ig-template-base

Base IG template managed by HL7 but usable by anyone (no logos). The foundation for most HL7-published IGs
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exampleBoolean true not always working right #199

Closed JohnMoehrke closed 1 year ago

JohnMoehrke commented 2 years ago


John Moehrke: In my case, I have json examples. Thus I use the IG resources section to give them titles and such. If I mark them exampleBoolean of true (or false) they will not show up in the Profile's -> Example tab.

John Moehrke: Here is the IHE github for PIXm that did this -- https://github.com/IHE/ITI.PIXm I currently have the exampleBoolean commented out of the sushi-config.yaml It will reproduce in a local build.

to see the difference -- formal publication had exampleBoolean = true -- So you can see a Profile has no examples -- https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition-IHE.PIXm.Patient.html

while the CI build -- with exampleBoolean commented out -- has them -- http://build.fhir.org/ig/IHE/ITI.PIXm/StructureDefinition-IHE.PIXm.Patient.html

John Moehrke: Note that the CI build, which has the latest templates.... will show the examples in the "Usage:" area

John Moehrke: image.png

JohnMoehrke commented 1 year ago

This seems to be working now