HL7 / personal-health-record-format-ig

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TSC Change Requests #19

Closed awatson1978 closed 10 months ago

awatson1978 commented 11 months ago

Change requests for the Technical Steering Committeee:

  1. Realm: Intends to be UV but all references are US-centric
  2. Two of three implementers are tentative and none are PHR vendors
  3. Need clarification on any overlaps with EHR WG's existing PHR standard
  4. Copyright with MITRE IP
  5. Update project need with statements regarding the IPA, IPS, PHR FM
  6. Repository is not in HL7 Github. She will address.

Preview https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/standard-personal-health-record-ig/branches/tsc-change-requests/