HL7Norway / basisprofiler-r4

HL7 FHIR Base profiles for Norway - R4
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Fjerne punktum fra filnavn #75

Closed rockphotog closed 3 years ago

rockphotog commented 3 years ago

StructureDefinition/no-basis-relatedperson-person-reference.StructureDefinition-extension..xml <- dobbelprikk

thomiz commented 3 years ago

Hm, har ikke tenkt å gjøre noe med dette. Det er i henholdt til best practice https://simplifier.net/guide/profilingacademy/Best-practices

When saving a profile, extend the filename with the resource type, for example: myPatient.structuredefinition-profile.xml or workedOnMonday.structuredefinition-extension.xml.

This'll help you tell the StructureDefinition files apart, which are otherwise all just the same StructureDefinition FHIR resource.

rockphotog commented 3 years ago

Tenkte helt på slutten: extension..xml

thomiz commented 3 years ago

Ah, ser det nå. Skal fikse :-)

thomiz commented 3 years ago

Done https://github.com/HL7Norway/basisprofiler-r4/commit/356db855a40159d8e3230a73753814260c5b3122