HL7Sweden / basprofiler-r4

Repository for suggested base profiles withing the r4 release
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Package id error #75

Open danka74 opened 1 month ago

danka74 commented 1 month ago

From QA-report: HL7 Packages must have an id that starts with hl7.cda., hl7.fhir., or hl7.v2.

Compare to e.g. https://github.com/HL7Norway/basisprofiler-r4/blob/master/no-basis-fhir-ig-list.json

Proposal: hl7.fhir.se.base

joakim-berg commented 2 weeks ago

Proposed correction to the issue is provided by pull request #78. Changing the package id may have a major impact on dependent implementations as a new package id in practice means a different IG.

vadi2 commented 2 weeks ago

We need to update the dependency in the common profiles at minimum.

I recommend communiating this change well in advance on the Swedish zulip stream, LinkedIn and the HL7.se website.

danka74 commented 2 weeks ago

Agree with everyone, but perhaps better to change now than change later when the impact is (hopefully) larger. We'll discuss on next Coordination Call,