HMI-Studios / CivCloneJS

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Capturing/Razing Cities #169

Open kjniemela opened 6 months ago

kjniemela commented 6 months ago

Units should be able to enter enemy cities to capture them (or, optionally, remove them from the map). This should probably not be instant, though: some alternatives would be either that the settlement has a "health" value (as if it were a unit, representing a city "garrison") or that the unit has to spend a certain amount of time standing in the city for capture to be possible, giving the city's owner time to try and kill the unit.

kjniemela commented 2 months ago

One idea could be that capturing a city center is instant, but the city's tiles may not immediately change owner, and when they do would be a function of city Loyalty (see #125 #203). This may be unfeasible for the Alpha Release, though.