HMIProject / open62541-sys

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Library Naming #22

Closed guenhter closed 1 week ago

guenhter commented 1 week ago


I'm doing some things nowadays with C wrapper libraries, and as far as I understood the way of how the naming somehow "evolved" around this matter (without Rust officially defining any convention about this):

Maybe at this point you don't agree with my investigation. If so, please share your thoughts.

When I used this library (open62541-sys) I wondered for a while where the prebuild sources should come from until i realized, that this is actually a sort of "open62541-src" lib, which compiles the code actually.

Do you think it is worth renaming this lib to avoid confusion?

sgoll commented 1 week ago

I'm not sure if the distinction between *-sys and *-src is common practice. I realize that openssl-src and luau0-src use this to split bundled source code into another crate (which is then used by the corresponding *-sys crate), as well as several crates related to BLAS/LAPACK. Other than that, I'm not aware of too many crates that do this ( has some crates published by Maroon502 but that seems to be it).

On the other hand, paho-mqtt-sys and sdl2-sys, for example, both ship with bundled source code.[^1]

[^1]: The latter has a corresponding *-src crate but it's empty and not used.

I mean, we could split the code into a separate open62541-src crate instead of bundling it into the open62541-sys crate. I'm just not sure if the result is worth the effort.

What would be the advantage of keeping the source code in a separate crate? Do you have examples of *-src crates and maybe know what their motivation for the split was?

guenhter commented 1 week ago

Maybe I'm just deas wrong and got a wrong impression.

I don't think there is an advantage if there is no inofficial convention.

guenhter commented 4 hours ago

@sgoll I stumbled over this today