HMS-FAC / BoatlaunchMVP

MVP for Boatlaunch App
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
5 stars 0 forks source link

Newstyling #112 #120

Closed tormod17 closed 8 years ago

tormod17 commented 8 years ago

added bootstrap buttons , stuck search box on top of map - changed gif loader to read boat launch. Also linked button to various parts of the page. Cannot get gif loader to take over entire screen before map is rendered. Could possible load rest of the page at the same time as the map 'function creatButtonsSearchBox"

hdrdavies commented 8 years ago

Nice work man - you know you can push new changes to an existing branch and existing PR (i.e. the styling branch)

tormod17 commented 8 years ago

I did know for some reason my previous branch wasn't working locally so i just did it again