HMuraja / happiness-unleashed

Code Institute March Hackathon project. This is the original repository.
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USER STORY: Generate content for acts of kindness #24

Closed Fl0W97 closed 7 months ago

Fl0W97 commented 7 months ago

As a user I can see different acts of kindness in the app so that I can continue my challenge for a longer period.

Acceptance Criteria:


Fl0W97 commented 7 months ago

Here the 25 acts. Now I will clarify with the team where to storage those...

Compliment a Stranger: Offer a genuine compliment to someone you encounter. It might brighten their day! For example, compliment the cashier on their cheerful attitude or a passerby on their stylish outfit.

Hold the Door Open: Extend a small courtesy by holding the door for someone behind you, whether it's at a café, office building, or grocery store.

Donate Unused Items: Clear out clutter and donate clothes or items you no longer need to organizations like Goodwill or the Salvation Army, where they can be redistributed to those in need.

Buy a Coffee: Surprise someone by buying their coffee in line behind you at your favorite café. It's a simple gesture that can make someone's day.

Pick up Litter: Keep your surroundings clean by picking up litter when you see it, whether it's on the sidewalk, in the park, or near a bus stop.

Smile and Greet: Spread positivity by smiling and saying hello to specific individuals you encounter, such as the bus driver, your regular barista, or the shop owner you see often.

Share Knowledge: Help someone struggling with a concept or subject you're good at, whether it's a classmate, coworker, or friend preparing for an exam or project.

Offer to Help: If you see someone struggling with a heavy load, offer to lend a hand, whether it's carrying groceries, moving furniture, or loading items into a car.

Leave a Generous Tip: Leave a generous tip for a waiter or service worker at your favorite restaurant or café as a token of appreciation for their hard work.

Listen Actively: Listen attentively when a friend or family member needs to talk, without interrupting or judging. Offer your support and understanding.

Write a Thank You Note: Express gratitude by writing a thank you note to someone who has helped you recently, whether it's a coworker who covered for you or a friend who offered emotional support.

Hold a Fundraiser: Organize a fundraiser for a specific organization or cause you're passionate about, whether it's for a local animal shelter, environmental group, or humanitarian aid organization.

Share a Meal: Invite someone who might be lonely or new to town to share a meal with you, whether it's a coworker, neighbor, or someone you've noticed spending a lot of time alone.

Volunteer Your Time: Dedicate a few hours to volunteer at a local shelter, food bank, or community center, where your time and effort can make a significant impact on those in need.

Offer a Ride: Offer a ride to someone who might be struggling with transportation, whether it's a coworker without a car or a neighbor who needs a lift to run errands.

Plant Trees or Flowers: Beautify your community by planting trees or flowers in public spaces, such as local parks, school grounds, or community gardens.

Say Please and Thank You: Practice basic manners by saying please and thank you in all interactions, whether it's with a cashier, coworker, friend, or family member.

Offer Encouragement: Encourage someone who seems down or demotivated with a kind word or gesture, whether it's a classmate stressed about exams or a coworker feeling overwhelmed at work.

Share Inspiring Content: Share inspiring articles or videos on social media to uplift others, whether it's a motivational quote, heartwarming story, or informative piece on a topic you're passionate about.

Give Blood: Donate blood to help those in need during emergencies by visiting your local Red Cross or blood donation center.

Send Positive Messages: Send positive messages or texts to friends or family members to brighten their day, whether it's a funny meme, encouraging quote, or heartfelt message.

Support Local Businesses: Choose to support local businesses whenever possible to help your community thrive, whether it's buying groceries from a neighborhood market or shopping at a boutique owned by locals.

Offer to Babysit: Offer to babysit for a friend or neighbor who could use a break, whether it's to give them a night out or help them run errands without worrying about childcare.

Give Complimentary Reviews: Leave positive reviews for businesses or services you appreciate, whether it's a restaurant, shop, or online service, to help others discover and support them too.

Practice Empathy: Put yourself in someone else's shoes and try to understand their perspective without judgment, whether it's a friend going through a tough time or a stranger you encounter in your daily life. Offer support and compassion wherever you can.
Fl0W97 commented 7 months ago

Here the .json file


Fl0W97 commented 7 months ago

acts.json uploaded to project