For example, if you look at the right hippocampus, its label number is 20, indicating left hippocampus. similarly, the left hippocampus has label number 19, indicating right inferior lateral ventricle. Discovered when comparing against the FreeSurfer aseg.mgz file created for these three subjects.
In the dseg label files of the following three subjects:
192540 361941 523032
the following structures are labeled with the wrong label numbers:
Left-Inf-Lat-Vent Right-Inf-Lat-Vent Left-Hippocampus Right-Hippocampus Left-Amygdala Right-Amygdala Left-Caudate Right-Caudate Left-Putamen Right-Putamen Right-Thalamus Left-Pallidum Right-Pallidum Left-Accumbens Right-Accumbens Right-VentralDC
For example, if you look at the right hippocampus, its label number is 20, indicating left hippocampus. similarly, the left hippocampus has label number 19, indicating right inferior lateral ventricle. Discovered when comparing against the FreeSurfer aseg.mgz file created for these three subjects.