HODLERTECH / HODLER-Open-Source-Multi-Asset-Wallet

The Only Open Source Multi-Asset Wallet - Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), DASH, Ravencoin (RVN), DigiByte (DGB), Ethereum (ETH) and ERC20 tokens supported
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No check for sufficient battery level to update Hodler OS on Hodler PRO #157

Closed tendersoft-mjb closed 5 years ago

tendersoft-mjb commented 5 years ago

The downloader / installer does not seem to check if there is enough battery for the download/install procedure to complete successfully. It should recommend at least 50% or a plugged power cable for the duration of the version upgrade.

Fl4reTobiasH commented 5 years ago

30% battery or 20% battery is required if connected.