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Get many Errors when compiling #160

Closed subzero1234lx closed 4 years ago

subzero1234lx commented 4 years ago

hi first please write a installation help file to help people like me who wants to compile it . when i want to compile a project i get this error 5 times and many many warrnings.

[dcc64 Error] AccountRelated.pas(1309): E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'Synchronize' that can be called with these arguments

[dcc64 Error] AccountRelated.pas(1127): E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'Synchronize' that can be called with these arguments

and this error :

[dcc64 Error] AccountRelated.pas(215): E2010 Incompatible types: 'AnsiString' and 'Int64'

an other question what is these "private_key.key" and "public_key.key" files used for? and why these are missing ? i personaly make this files in project root and in both of them i wrote a random number . is that correct or no?

so please help me compile it...

DanielMazurFL4RE commented 4 years ago

Hello, which version of Delphi did you tried? Please try with 10.3.1 and compile under Win32 compiler

subzero1234lx commented 4 years ago

hi i use this version of RAD:

Embarcadero® Delphi 10.3 Version 26.0.32429.4364 Copyright © 2018 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. and running win 7 64 bit

actualy i try with win32 compiler now and it returns the same errors

subzero1234lx commented 4 years ago

hi i test it with rad 10.3.2 and win 32 compiler and i receve exact same errors please give me some hand and help me "To compile just select platform and press SHIFT+CTRL+F9" realy does not work at all

n074v41l4bl34u commented 4 years ago

@subzero1234lx I doubt the Team will be able to assist you much further. They are swamped with work on the upcoming release. You have the code, you're the dev - figure it out.

subzero1234lx commented 4 years ago

only use of this issues is for testing and results in your opinion no questions is nececery to be answered it means u do not want or like to any body can compile this code it even have a syntax error and missing files why? every open source program have a full help file for compiling and contributing any way have a good open source project!!!