HODLERTECH / HODLER-Open-Source-Multi-Asset-Wallet

The Only Open Source Multi-Asset Wallet - Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), DASH, Ravencoin (RVN), DigiByte (DGB), Ethereum (ETH) and ERC20 tokens supported
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how to recover wallet? #168

Closed petervnv closed 2 years ago

petervnv commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to regain access to the wallet I created years ago and need some help getting pointed in the right direction.

I believe I remember parts of the password I used at the time so I've created a script to test them out (essentially a worldlist to use as a dictionary in a bruteforce attack).

I have the recovery QRcode but would like to know how I can get access to the actual wallet file so I can try and bruteforce it with my list offline.

Any ideas?
