HOWZ1T / py_proxy

Python proxy helper. Please use deligently and respectfully! Always respect a websites ROBOTS.txt!
MIT License
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submodule usage #4

Closed berkkarahan closed 5 years ago

berkkarahan commented 5 years ago

hey again, you should add a file in order to use this as a submodule in other project.s

HOWZ1T commented 5 years ago

Hey Berkkarahan,

This project is a single file module, due to it having only 1 class and being relatively small. It is intended to be a library thus it is available as a pypi package from

This python module can be used in any other python code by just importing it. For more on python modules feel free to read:

What you are referring to are packages, they generally have modules to help organize the code contained within the package and specify how it can be imported by other users of the package.

Since this project is small, it is currently not necessary to convert its' structure to that of a package.

If you have anymore questions feel free to contact me.

All the best, Dylan