HPCE / hpce-2017-cw5

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makefile issues #3

Closed pufik1337 closed 6 years ago

pufik1337 commented 6 years ago

A small part of the makefile was probably not updated for this year:

  1. no input file is specified for bin/compare_puzzle_output when the target is serenitynow% - this causes segfaults
  2. the serenity_now target refers to puzzles from last year

These changes fix the issues on my side:

serenity_now_% : all
    mkdir -p w
    bin/run_puzzle $* 100 2
    bin/create_puzzle_input $* 100 2 > w/$*.in
    cat w/$*.in | bin/execute_puzzle 1 2 > w/$*.ref.out
    cat w/$*.in | bin/execute_puzzle 0 2 > w/$*.got.out
    bin/compare_puzzle_output w/$*.in w/$*.ref.out w/$*.got.out 2

serenity_now : $(foreach x,mining heat_world gaussian_blur edit_distance random_projection hold_time,serenity_now_$(x))
m8pple commented 6 years ago

Yes, I'd completely forgotten to actually read the makefile, as I was just driving from the command line. So I'll take the out all the Julia stuff, and modify "serenity now" as suggested (apparently I was watching Seinfeld at this time last year).