Closed krober10nd closed 2 years ago
@krober10nd Do you have an example where the options change, but simwave does not recompile the C code? It should recompile if any of the following parameters changes:
Yes, the examples Joao posted in our slack channel. Specifically I was running (and re-running) the loop_in_time example. I switched the -O0 flag with the -O2 flag and it didn't recompile and more concerning, sometimes re-running it several times in a sequence back-to-back produced completely different results.
I will take a look
Regarding 3, as shown in the images below, the hash (also name of the shared object) chages when I change the flags.
Perhaps, you compiled the code with the same flags before and the shared object was already created in the tmp
folder, located in your working dir.
Every time a new shared object is created, it shows the compilation command.
Compilation command: ...
Otherwise, it's shown:
Shared object already compiled in: ...
Can you try your example again and confirm if the behavior is as expected, please?
more concerning, sometimes re-running it several times in a sequence back-to-back produced completely different results.
This can be a serious problem. Do you mean, running the simulation (with the same parameters) over and over in a loop, for examplo, can lead to differente results?
Yes, I see now, but perhaps there was a hash collision :P
Anyway, yes, both João and I observed this behavior from time to time. Just keep running the acoustic tests on the slack channel.
@krober10nd or @joao-bapdm I could not find this inconsistent behavior when running several times in a sequence. Could you post here an example (input and output) where this problem accurs, please?
I am able to get these plots with
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from simwave import (
SpaceModel, TimeModel, RickerWavelet, MultiWavelet, Wavelet, Solver, Compiler,
Receiver, Source, plot_wavefield, plot_shotrecord, plot_velocity_model
def grid(Lx, Lz, h):
nz = int((Lz) / h + 1)
nx = int((Lx) / h + 1)
zcoords = np.linspace(0, Lz, nz)
xcoords = np.linspace(0, Lx, nx)
return np.meshgrid(zcoords, xcoords)
def ansatz(Lx, Lz, h, freq, tp):
# Params
kz = np.pi / Lx
kx = np.pi / Lz
meshgrid = grid(Lx, Lz, h)
omega = 2*np.pi*freq
# Solution
space_solution = np.sin(kx*meshgrid[0]) * np.sin(kz*meshgrid[1])
time_solution = np.cos(omega*tp)
return (space_solution[:,:,None] * time_solution).T
def initial_shape(space_model, kx, kz):
nbl_pad_width = space_model.nbl_pad_width
halo_pad_width = space_model.halo_pad_width
bbox = space_model.bounding_box
# values
xmin, xmax = bbox[0: 2]
zmin, zmax = bbox[2: 4]
x_coords = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, space_model.shape[0])
z_coords = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, space_model.shape[1])
X, Z = np.meshgrid(x_coords, z_coords)
return np.sin(kx * X) * np.sin(kz * Z)
class MySource(Source):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.count = 1
def count(self):
"""Return the number of sources/receives."""
return self._count
def count(self, count):
"""Return the number of sources/receives."""
self._count = count
def interpolated_points_and_values(self):
""" Calculate the amplitude value at all points"""
points = np.array([], dtype=np.uint)
values = np.array([], dtype=self.space_model.dtype)
offset = np.array([0], dtype=np.uint)
nbl_pad_width = self.space_model.nbl_pad_width
halo_pad_width = self.space_model.halo_pad_width
dimension = self.space_model.dimension
bbox = self.space_model.bounding_box
# senoid window
for dim, dim_length in enumerate(self.space_model.shape):
# points
lpad = halo_pad_width[dim][0] + nbl_pad_width[dim][0]
rpad = halo_pad_width[dim][1] + nbl_pad_width[dim][1] + dim_length
points = np.append(points, np.array([lpad, rpad], dtype=np.uint))
# values
coor_min, coor_max = bbox[dim * dimension:2 + dim * dimension]
coordinates = np.linspace(coor_min, coor_max, dim_length)
amplitudes = np.sin(np.pi / (coor_max - coor_min) * coordinates)
values = np.append(values, amplitudes.astype(values.dtype))
# offset
offset = np.append(offset, np.array([values.size], dtype=np.uint))
# add window for density term
# points
lpad_x = halo_pad_width[0][0] + nbl_pad_width[0][0]
rpad_x = halo_pad_width[0][1] + nbl_pad_width[0][1] + self.space_model.shape[0]
points = np.append(points, np.array([lpad_x, rpad_x], dtype=np.uint))
lpad_z = halo_pad_width[1][0] + nbl_pad_width[1][0]
rpad_z = halo_pad_width[1][1] + nbl_pad_width[1][1] + self.space_model.shape[1]
points = np.append(points, np.array([lpad_z, rpad_z], dtype=np.uint))
xmin, xmax = bbox[0: 2]
zmin, zmax = bbox[2: 4]
kx = np.pi / (xmax - xmin)
kz = np.pi / (zmax - zmin)
x_coordinates = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, self.space_model.shape[0])
z_coordinates = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, self.space_model.shape[1])
X, Z = np.meshgrid(z_coordinates, z_coordinates)
# (1 / rho) * drho_dz * dphi_dz
x_amplitudes = np.sin(kx * x_coordinates)
drho_dz = np.gradient(dens[:, 256], z_coordinates).mean()
z_amplitudes = kz * drho_dz * np.cos(kz * z_coordinates) / dens[:,256]
values = np.append(values, x_amplitudes.astype(values.dtype))
values = np.append(values, z_amplitudes.astype(values.dtype))
offset = np.append(offset, np.array([values.size], dtype=np.uint))
return points, values, offset
def cosenoid(time_model, amplitude, omega=2*np.pi*1):
"""Function that generates the signal satisfying s(0) = ds/dt(0) = 0"""
return amplitude * np.cos(omega * time_model.time_values)
def create_models(Lx, Lz, vel, dens, tf, h, p):
# create the space model
space_model = SpaceModel(
bounding_box=(0, Lx, 0, Lz),
grid_spacing=(h, h),
# config boundary conditions
# (none, null_dirichlet or null_neumann)
"null_dirichlet", "null_dirichlet",
"null_dirichlet", "null_dirichlet"
# create the time model
time_model = TimeModel(
return space_model, time_model
def geometry_acquisition(space_model, sources=None, receivers=None):
if sources is None:
sources=[(2560, 2560)]
if receivers is None:
receivers=[(2560, i) for i in range(0, 5120, 10)]
# create the set of sources
# source = Source(
# space_model,
# coordinates=sources,
# window_radius=4
# )
# personalized source
my_source = MySource(space_model, coordinates=[])
# crete the set of receivers
receiver = Receiver(
return my_source, receiver
def build_solver(space_model, time_model, vp, kx, kz, omega):
# geometry acquisition
source, receiver = geometry_acquisition(space_model)
# create a cosenoid wavelet
amplitude = 1 * ((kx**2+kz**2) - omega**2/vp**2)
# amplitude = 0
wavelet1 = Wavelet(cosenoid, time_model=time_model, amplitude=amplitude, omega=omega)
wavelet2 = Wavelet(cosenoid, time_model=time_model, amplitude=1, omega=omega)
# wavelets = MultiWavelet(np.vstack((wavelet1.values,)).T, time_model)
wavelets = MultiWavelet(np.vstack((wavelet1.values, wavelet2.values)).T, time_model)
source.count = wavelets.values.shape[-1]
# set compiler options
compiler = Compiler( cc='gcc', language='cpu_openmp', cflags='-O3 -fPIC -ffast-math -Wall -std=c99 -shared')
# create the solver
solver = Solver(
return solver
if __name__ == "__main__":
# problem params
Lx, Lz = 5120, 5120
tf = 2 * 1.5
freq = 5
vp = 1500
rho = 1
rho_z = 1e6
rho_x = 0
# discretization params
n = 513
h = 10
p = 4
# harmonic parameters
kx = np.pi / Lx
kz = np.pi / Lz
omega = 2*np.pi*freq
# velocity model
vel = vp * np.ones(shape=(n, n), dtype=np.float32)
# density model
dens = rho * np.ones(shape=(n, n), dtype=np.float32)
for depth, dens_values in enumerate(dens):
dens_values[:] = rho + rho_z * (dens.shape[0] - depth) / dens.shape[0]
# discretization
space_model, time_model = create_models(Lx, Lz, vel, dens, tf, h, p)
# initial grid
initial_grid = initial_shape(space_model, kx, kz)
# get solver
solver = build_solver(space_model, time_model, vp, kx, kz, omega)
# run the forward
u_full, recv = solver.forward(
[initial_grid * np.cos(-1 * time_model.dt * omega),
initial_grid * np.cos(-0 * time_model.dt * omega)
# plot stuff
print("u_full shape:", u_full.shape)
# Get analytical solution
u_analytic = ansatz(Lx, Lz, h, freq, time_model.time_values)
# plot comparison
numerical_values = u_full[:, 256, 256]
analytic_values = u_analytic[:, 256, 256]
time_values = time_model.time_values
plt.plot(time_values, analytic_values, time_values, numerical_values)
plt.legend(["analytical", "numerical"])
plt.title("Comparison between analytical and numerical result (simwave)")
@joao-bapdm, the source interpolated_points are all inclusive.
So [ 2 515 2 515 2 515 2 515]
should be [ 2 514 2 514 2 514 2 514]
The problem occurs because the application is accessing an out of bound memory region (out of the array bound), but somehow still belonging to the process. Thus, it does not throw segmentation fault and it will give garbage values instead.
To fix the issue, I recommend the following change (note -1
in rpad
class MySource(Source):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.count = 1
def count(self):
"""Return the number of sources/receives."""
return self._count
def count(self, count):
"""Return the number of sources/receives."""
self._count = count
def interpolated_points_and_values(self):
""" Calculate the amplitude value at all points"""
points = np.array([], dtype=np.uint)
values = np.array([], dtype=self.space_model.dtype)
offset = np.array([0], dtype=np.uint)
nbl_pad_width = self.space_model.nbl_pad_width
halo_pad_width = self.space_model.halo_pad_width
dimension = self.space_model.dimension
bbox = self.space_model.bounding_box
# senoid window
for dim, dim_length in enumerate(self.space_model.shape):
# points
lpad = halo_pad_width[dim][0] + nbl_pad_width[dim][0]
rpad = halo_pad_width[dim][1] + nbl_pad_width[dim][1] + dim_length - 1
points = np.append(points, np.array([lpad, rpad], dtype=np.uint))
# values
coor_min, coor_max = bbox[dim * dimension:2 + dim * dimension]
coordinates = np.linspace(coor_min, coor_max, dim_length)
amplitudes = np.sin(np.pi / (coor_max - coor_min) * coordinates)
values = np.append(values, amplitudes.astype(values.dtype))
# offset
offset = np.append(offset, np.array([values.size], dtype=np.uint))
# add window for density term
# points
lpad_x = halo_pad_width[0][0] + nbl_pad_width[0][0]
rpad_x = halo_pad_width[0][1] + nbl_pad_width[0][1] + self.space_model.shape[0] - 1
points = np.append(points, np.array([lpad_x, rpad_x], dtype=np.uint))
lpad_z = halo_pad_width[1][0] + nbl_pad_width[1][0]
rpad_z = halo_pad_width[1][1] + nbl_pad_width[1][1] + self.space_model.shape[1] - 1
points = np.append(points, np.array([lpad_z, rpad_z], dtype=np.uint))
xmin, xmax = bbox[0: 2]
zmin, zmax = bbox[2: 4]
kx = np.pi / (xmax - xmin)
kz = np.pi / (zmax - zmin)
x_coordinates = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, self.space_model.shape[0])
z_coordinates = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, self.space_model.shape[1])
X, Z = np.meshgrid(z_coordinates, z_coordinates)
# (1 / rho) * drho_dz * dphi_dz
x_amplitudes = np.sin(kx * x_coordinates)
drho_dz = np.gradient(dens[:, 256], z_coordinates).mean()
z_amplitudes = kz * drho_dz * np.cos(kz * z_coordinates) / dens[:,256]
values = np.append(values, x_amplitudes.astype(values.dtype))
values = np.append(values, z_amplitudes.astype(values.dtype))
offset = np.append(offset, np.array([values.size], dtype=np.uint))
return points, values, offset
Thanks @jaimesouza, I've made the changes.
compilation fails because the code tries to importomp.h
header despite it not being used. Perhaps this could be avoided by putting this include in a pragma?