HPGF-Ecosystem-Support-Machine / metamachine

The internal ops and first phase priorities for elaborating the hyperactive metamachine.
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Outline Medium Fidelity Peer Review/Attestation Flow #3

Open TravisWyche opened 2 months ago

TravisWyche commented 2 months ago

Our first pass of the meta machine diagram implies the use of decentralized publication tools (PermaPress, CCR/DUCE/DIN, or similar) with accountability features (Hats + Smart Invoice + Hypercerts, or similar) to move towards P2P review and/or attestation networks (Factland, Seed Protocol, EAS variants, or similar).




TravisWyche commented 2 months ago

Started a FigJam to start mapping the details of this flow: https://www.figma.com/file/HdDIkSSbDouzeDe3ublBrw/Moar-Fidelity-Meta?type=whiteboard&node-id=0%3A1&t=JTwaRubRDKMbMzaA-1


TravisWyche commented 1 month ago

Sketched out a flow incorporating PermaPress (away from speculations of CCR), Karma Gap, Deresy, etc. Will iterate further after our sprint.
