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Add a notion of `Script`s of `Path`s #207

Open EvanKirshenbaum opened 5 months ago

EvanKirshenbaum commented 5 months ago

I'd like to get back to the notion of high-level protocols defined in terms of things like mixes, dilutions, thermocycling, and extraction (#48), with the actual placement determined automatically (though preferably deterministically).

To support compilation of protocols, I think I need an intermediate level between them and Paths, which I'm currently calling a Script. A Script can have multiple Phases, each of which has a number of Paths that can be performed sequentially or concurrently, each Path starting from a Well, and ExtractionPoint, or a Drop held over from a previous Path (likely in a previous Phase), and each Path either winding up in a Well or ExtractionPoint or becoming usable by the next Phase. A Phase may also have a set of Barriers and Triggers to assist in traffic control.

A Script can be run alone, pipelined, or multiply in parallel, parameterized to run in different sections of the board.

This would probably be simplified by the existence of Walkways (#53).

The overall idea is that a Protocol would compile down into a Script, figuring out placement and routing, and the Script would then be run. It would probably also be reasonable for a Script to be able to output itself as Python code (as a Task) to be imported and run. (This would guarantee determinism of compilation.) Scripts could also be the compilation target for special-purpose protocol languages, although it may be better off to go through the extra step of generating a Protocol object and compiling it to a Script.

Once Scripts are implemented, we will want to test them out by recasting the PCR protocols (CombSynth, Prepare, and MixPrep) using them.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Oct 03, 2022 at 11:42 AM PDT.