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Add pipettor mirroring for Yaminon #251

Open EvanKirshenbaum opened 5 months ago

EvanKirshenbaum commented 5 months ago

For Yaminon, if users are using both halves but only talking about one, currently the model only displays drops on that half, and when the user is prompted (as a manual pipettor) to add or remove liquid, they need to remember that they have to do both sides.

It would be nice if there was another mode (signaled by a command-line argument) in which all transfers into and out of wells and extraction points were mirrored on both the top and bottom. Perhaps something like --duplicate-transfers.

I haven't looked at this closely, but I think that it should be possible to simply wrap the real Pipettor with one whose perform() munges the Transfer to duplicate the targets to point to both halves and then passes it on to the wrapped pipettor.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Feb 16, 2023 at 12:49 PM PST.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 5 months ago

Alternatively, I could do something to the wells and extraction points themselves to mirror the prepare_for_add() and pipettor_added() calls themselves, if we don't want to prompt the user twice.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Feb 16, 2023 at 12:51 PM PST.