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Generalize "after" param to take WaitableType or sequence #91

Closed EvanKirshenbaum closed 10 months ago

EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Besides the fact that this shouldn't be an issue (because teleports into the same EP should serialize, the problem here is that while paths allow things like wait_for() and reach() to be added as middle steps, there's no way to get a start step to wait.

The simplest change would be to add an on_future to teleport_in and its siblings and have that stored in StartStep and used by Path.Start._schedule (which could call back to its schedule() if it had a non-None on_future.

An arguably cleaner redesign would be to punt on_future entirely and generalize after to take a sequence of WaitableTypes (or a single one).

What we really want in this case is to not have to worry about playing with a Delayed[None] and posting to it. We want a simple trigger. Unfortunately, the Trigger class is defined such that if you wait() for a Trigger that has already fired, you don't proceed immediately, since Triggers can be reset(), which means that you'd have a race condition if you used it. The clean solution would be something like

   gate2 = SingleFireTrigger()
   gate3 = SingleFireTrigger()
   path1 = Path.teleport_into(ep, reagent=Reagent('R1')).walk(Dir.W).then_fire(gate2).to_pad(10,15)
   path2 = Path.teleport_into(ep, reagent=Reagent('R2')).walk(Dir.W).then_fire(gate3).to_pad(11,15)
   path3 = Path.teleport_into(ep, reagent=Reagent('R3')).to_pad(12,15)


where SingleFireTrigger is a subclass of Trigger that keeps track of whether it's been fire()ed and invokes any callbacks immediately on wait() if it has.

Combining the two ideas, it can be simplified to

   gate2 = SingleFireTrigger()
   gate3 = SingleFireTrigger()
   path1 = Path.teleport_into(ep, reagent=Reagent('R1')).walk(Dir.W).then_fire(gate2).to_pad(10,15)
   path2 = Path.teleport_into(ep, reagent=Reagent('R2'), after=gate2).walk(Dir.W).then_fire(gate3).to_pad(11,15)
   path3 = Path.teleport_into(ep, reagent=Reagent('R3'), after=gate3).to_pad(12,15)
   Path.run_paths([path1, path2, path3])

Now all of the paths can be scheduled together, but they will serialize themselves.

Originally posted by @EvanKirshenbaum in https://github.com/HPInc/HP-Digital-Microfluidics/issues/87 [comment by @EvanKirshenbaum on Apr 26, 2022 at 10:25 AM PDT]

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Apr 26, 2022 at 10:26 AM PDT. Closed on Oct 26, 2022 at 3:29 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

This issue was referenced by the following commits before migration:

EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Listing the changes we want to make:

EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Started work in this branch Added after to Path.teleport_into and propagated it to Path.TeleportInStep and then to Drop.TeleportInTo see this commit. But Drop.TeleportInTo._schedule already has an after argument. What shall we do about the _schedule after argument and the new TeleportInTo.__init__ after argument?

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 13, 2022 at 12:10 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Interesting question. My initial intention was to say that after isn't (and shouldn't be) an attribute of a StaticOperation (or Operation). It's a parameter to the schedule() (or schedule_for()) method. What you want to do is add it as an attribute to StartStep (as MiddleStep and EndStep have it) and propagate it to the Path.Start's first_step.op when you schedule the path.

But Path.Start is a StaticOperation , and it schedules its first_step.op within its _schedule() (which is called from StaticOperation's schedule()), and on_future is taken into account in the schedule() method before the call to _schedule(), so the mechanism will have to be changed a bit to take this into account.

In any case, this is why I proposed (in the initial comment):

An arguably cleaner redesign would be to punt on_future entirely and generalize after to take a sequence of WaitableTypes (or a single one).

  • This would allow a Delayed or a Trigger (including a Barrier) to be used, in addition to a Time or a Ticks value.
  • By making it allow a sequence and peeling off one layer at a time in schedule() or schedule_for(), you can require several conditions, in sequence, which will allow this single keyword argument to encapsulate both on_future and (the old) after, which could co-occur.

This would lobby for

  1. having schedule() (and likely Operation.schedule_for()) be able to ask the object for any inherent after arguments, which would be combined into a sequence with any provided to the call and
  2. adding a call somewhere (probably at top level in device.py) that does a general "Call this Callable after all of these wait conditions have completed".
    • If we do this, we should be able to put all of the logic into StaticOperation.schedule() and Operation.schedule_fore() and remove the after parameter from the abstract _schedule() and _schedule_for() methods.
Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 14, 2022 at 11:25 AM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Just to clarify, Operation/StaticOperation will have the after attribute, right?

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 14, 2022 at 6:53 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

My inclination would be to say no. Instead, I'd add a method that could be overridden that would combine the provided wait condition with any intrinsic ones, but which only has an effect for things like the path steps which might have one of their own. Something like

WaitCondition = ... # All of the things you can wait on

class StaticOperation:
    def schedule(self, *,
                 after: Optional[WaitCondition] = None,
                 post_result: bool = True,
                 ) -> Delayed[V]:
        after = self.wait_condition(after)
        return after_wait(after, lambda: self._schedule(post_result=post_result)

    def wait_condition(after: Optional[WaitCondition]) -> Optional[WaitCondition]:
        return after

class Path:
    class Start:
        after: Final[Optional[WaitCondition]]]

        def wait_condition(after: Optional[WaitCondition]) -> Optional[WaitCondition]:
            return extend_wait_condition(self.after, after)

(We'll need to decide whether the intrinsic ones should come first or the ones provided in the call. I can see arguments for both strategies.)

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 15, 2022 at 2:26 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Thinking about it a bit, I might get rid of the Optional and add something like

class NoWait(Enum)
    SINGLETON = auto()
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "NO_WAIT"

NO_WAIT: Final[NoWait] = NoWait.SINGLETON

with NoWait being one of the options in WaitCondition and NO_WAIT being the default value used for after arguments.

This allows you to more easily distinguish between "I don't know" (e.g., when looking up in a dictionary) and "I know there's no wait".

The ability to make this distinction on lookups and arguments where None is a reasonable non-default argument is why I added MISSING, following this paradigm. MyPy is smart enough that if you say

MissingOr = Union[Missing,T]

def foo(arg: MissingOr[Time]) -> Time:
    if arg is not MISSING:
       return arg
    return the_default_value

MyPy is smart enough to know that MISSING is the unique value of Missing, and so if arg isn't MISSING, it isn't a Missing and must, therefore, be a Time.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 15, 2022 at 2:40 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Aren't we over complicating this? Wouldn't it be cleaner if there is a single way of specifying the WaitConidition[s]. If they can come from different places (i.e., the provided wait condition and the intrinsic one), then we have to decide which goes first and it is probably hard to maintain and debug.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 17, 2022 at 12:46 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

After this fix, could we simplify calls like:

schedule_for(obj: Union[T, Delayed[T]], *, after: Optional[Union[Ticks, Time]] = None,


schedule_for(after: WaitCondition[s])
Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 17, 2022 at 1:03 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

MiddleStep and EndStep have a _schedule_after method. I guess they are used to sequence the path. Could the after param be used to accomplish this and get rid of these _schedule_after methods?

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 17, 2022 at 1:10 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Have a look at the latest version of the issue.091 branch to see if I'm getting it right. Here is what I did:

I'm not fully getting it yet. Not sure what we will do with _schedule_after and how after_wait is to be implemented.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 17, 2022 at 1:27 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

After this fix, could we simplify calls like:

schedule_for(obj: Union[T, Delayed[T]], *, after: Optional[Union[Ticks, Time]] = None,


schedule_for(after: WaitCondition[s])

schedule_for() needs to know the object that is the input for the Operation. That's what the obj parameter is doing. It's a Union so that you can say "It's this object or the object that will eventually be posted to this future." It's not a wait condition other than in that if we're handed a future, we necessarily have to wait until it gets a value to know what to operate on.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 17, 2022 at 1:28 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Have a look at the latest version of the issue.091 branch to see if I'm getting it right.

It's a bit hard to tell. There are a lot of errors (including a bunch that show up after syntax errors (e.g., the lack of colon in the definition of NoWait) are fixed).

Here is what I did:

* Added `WaitCondition` and `NO_WAIT`

* Replaced some occurrences of `after: Optional[DelayType] = None` with `after: WaitCondition = NO_WAIT`

* Drop `on_future` from `schedule`

* Removed `after` from `MiddleStep` and `EndStep` as we will move them to `Path.[Start,Middle,End,Full]`

I don't understand how that can work. If you say something like

path = Path.dispense_from(w).to_col(5).to_row(7, after=3*ticks)

the point of the after is that you want to start walking to row 7 three ticks after you get to column 5. Putting it on path (a Path.Start) isn't going to accomplish that. It pretty much has to be on the step. Or am I misunderstanding what you're saying?

* Add `after` to `Path.Start`

* Add `after` to `teleport_into`

I'm not fully getting it yet. Not sure what we will do with _schedule_after and how after_wait is to be implemented.

The point of _schedule_after() is precisely to be able to chain the scheduling so that each step operates on the (eventually produced) value of the step before after whatever intrinsic delay may have been specified, returning a future that will either be the overall result or the input to the next step.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 17, 2022 at 1:50 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

By have a look I did not mean run MyPy or the code. I literally meant that you have a look at the general trend of the code and see if it is going in the direction you envision. Once the direction is good, I'll polish it.

See your comment [comment by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 15, 2022 at 2:26 PM PDT]:

class Path:
    class Start:
        after: Final[Optional[WaitCondition]]]

so I figured we don't want after in both Start and StartStep, hence the removal.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 17, 2022 at 3:40 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

We arguably don't need it in StartStep. I don't see any way we can avoid it in MiddleStep and EndStep.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 17, 2022 at 3:43 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

So, are we going to have?

class MiddleStep:
    after : ...
class EndStep:
    after : ...
class Start:
    after : ...
Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 17, 2022 at 3:45 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Well, I'd put it on StartStep rather than on Start (and Full) for consistency.

Note that wherever you put it, you're going to have to deal with both an after being specified by the caller of schedule() and schedule_for() and one having been specified for the first step by whoever built the path. So, you're either going to have to compose them or else do something like add an invisible dummy operation before the first step when the path gets scheduled. (It's not as general, but it's probably easier. That way, you just schedule the dummy op with the after passed in and each of the step ops with their intrinsic after. When the dummy fires, it simply posts its output to its future, triggering the next step.)

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 17, 2022 at 3:55 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Look at how drop.MotionOp handles the after

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 21, 2022 at 12:55 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Just to confirm we are removing the after argument from the following methods:

But keep it in for the following methods:

EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Do we want to add the after argument to most of the Path class methods? For example:

EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

That sounds right. I hadn't thought about how CommunicationScheduler plays in all of this (i.e., whether we want to widen its after parameters or leave them as Time or Ticks), but widening them may simplify things.

Note that the WaitAt, et al.,'s _schedule_for() will get it removed just like all of the other concrete Operations and StaticOperations in the code base. Also, you will want to (and possibly already have) changed StaticOperation.schedule() to remove on_future in favor of just using a Delayed as an after value.

[re: the Path methods]: It looks as though they already have it, which seems right.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 21, 2022 at 4:41 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

I made the updated to Path.*Step as we discussed - there is a super class Path.Step to hold the common after attribute.

I started on after_wait, I have this:

def after_wait(after: WaitCondition, callback: Callback):
    if isinstance(after, Ticks):
        board.after_tick(callback, delta=after)
    elif isinstance(after, Time):
        board.call_after(after, callback)
    # TODO other `after` types

but this won't work as is since I don't have a board

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 21, 2022 at 5:53 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Remind me why we need after_wait() on Path.Step. Doesn't the after value just get passed to the op during _schedule_after or _schedule? If you've got a way to compose delays (e.g., by creating a tuple), can't you just let the underlying (first) operation take care of it?

Oh, wait. Maybe I do see the problem (or at least a problem). The actual delayed call happens (or, at least, should happen) in System.delayed():

    def delayed(self, function: Callable[[], T], *,
                after: Optional[DelayType]) -> Delayed[T]:
        if after is None:
            return Delayed.complete(function())
        future = Postable[T]()
        def run_then_post() -> None:
        if isinstance(after, Time):
            if after > Time.ZERO:
                self.call_after(after, run_then_post)
                return Delayed.complete(function())
            if after > Ticks.ZERO:
                self.before_tick(run_then_post, delta = after)
                return Delayed.complete(function())
        return future

which can be generalized to handle other delays or sequences of delays.

The way it's currently implemented, the one who calls this (possibly indirectly) is the argument of the Operation, which is always (but isn't required to be) a CommunicationScheduler, which has to implement delayed(). (They're all (I believe) either explicitly CommunicationSchedulers or else BoardComponents, SystemComponents, or Drops, which qualify.) All of the StaticOperations currently handle their delays in their _schedule() implementations by delegating to some Operation they schedule on a CommunicationScheduler.

If you're going to put the delay logic in Operation.schedule_for() and StaticOperation.schedule() itself, the first thing I'd try is to redefine `Operation from

class Operation(Generic[T, V], ABC):
    def _schedule_for(self, obj: T, *,                      # @UnusedVariable
                      after: Optional[DelayType] = None,    # @UnusedVariable
                      post_result: bool = True,             # @UnusedVariable
                      ) -> Delayed[V]:


class Operation(Generic[CS, V], ABC):
    def _schedule_for(self, obj: CS, *,                      # @UnusedVariable
                      after: Optional[DelayType] = None,    # @UnusedVariable
                      post_result: bool = True,             # @UnusedVariable
                      ) -> Delayed[V]:

This would require that obj is a CommunicationScheduler, so you could call obj.delayed().

You'd also want to make StaticOperation a CommunicationScheduler, probably by taking one as an __init__() parameter and stashing it away. Then, for a StaticOperation like Drop.DispenseFrom, you could just pass up the well argument (which is a BoardComponent and, therefore, a CommunicationScheduler).

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 22, 2022 at 11:03 AM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Remind me why we need after_wait() on Path.Step.

after_wait is a top-level function in types.py, see here

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 22, 2022 at 12:07 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

The way it's currently implemented, the one who calls this (possibly indirectly) is the argument of the Operation,

What does the argument of the Operation mean here?

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 22, 2022 at 12:58 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

All of the StaticOperations currently handle their delays in their _schedule() implementations by delegating to some Operation they schedule on a CommunicationScheduler.

Could you please elaborate this? Looking at Path.Start._schedule we have:

        def _schedule(self, *,
                      after: Optional[DelayType] = None,
                      post_result: bool = True,
                      ) -> Delayed[Drop]:
            middle = self.middle_steps
            last = len(middle) - 1
            future = schedule(self.first_step.op, after=after,
                              post_result = post_result if last == -1 else True)
            for i,step in enumerate(middle):
                future = step._schedule_after(future, post_result=post_result, is_last = i==last)
            return future

Which is the delegating to some Operation they schedule on a CommunicationScheduler part?

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 22, 2022 at 1:06 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

What do you mean by?

You'd also want to make StaticOperation a CommunicationScheduler

Do you mean have StaticOperation extend CommunicationScheduler?

for a StaticOperation like Drop.DispenseFrom, you could just pass up the well argument

Do you mean pass the well to _schedule?

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 22, 2022 at 1:15 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Remind me why we need after_wait() on Path.Step.

after_wait is a top-level function in types.py, see here

Yeah, that's going to make it a lot harder to implement. I'd recommend not doing that and just making sure that you have a CommunicationScheduler on hand to to use.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 22, 2022 at 2:11 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

The way it's currently implemented, the one who calls this (possibly indirectly) is the argument of the Operation,

What does the argument of the Operation mean here?

The object that the Operation operates on. In particular, the value of the obj argument to _schedule_for().

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 22, 2022 at 2:13 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

All of the StaticOperations currently handle their delays in their _schedule() implementations by delegating to some Operation they schedule on a CommunicationScheduler.

Could you please elaborate this? Looking at Path.Start._schedule we have:

        def _schedule(self, *,
                      after: Optional[DelayType] = None,
                      post_result: bool = True,
                      ) -> Delayed[Drop]:
            middle = self.middle_steps
            last = len(middle) - 1
            future = schedule(self.first_step.op, after=after,
                              post_result = post_result if last == -1 else True)
            for i,step in enumerate(middle):
                future = step._schedule_after(future, post_result=post_result, is_last = i==last)
            return future

Which is the delegating to some Operation they schedule on a CommunicationScheduler part?

Whatever self.first_step.op delegates to. For example, for TeleportInStep, the op is a Drop.TeleportInTo, which delegates to ExtractionPoint.TransferIn. For DispenseStep, you have a Drop.DispenseFrom, which delegates to Well.TransitionTo. Both ExtractionPoint and Well (both BoardComponents) are CommunicationSchedulers.

If you want to have StaticOperation.schedule() handle the after parameter (which seems right), you'll want to have StaticOperation have access to a CommunicationScheduler, so TransferIn could pass up its ExtractionPoint, and DispenseFrom could pass up its Well. For Path.Start it would presumably pass up the scheduler stored by first_step.op.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 22, 2022 at 2:21 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

What do you mean by?

You'd also want to make StaticOperation a CommunicationScheduler

Do you mean have StaticOperation extend CommunicationScheduler?

That was my initial thought, but really, you just need to have it take one as an __init__() parameter and store it away.

class StaticOperation(Generic[V], ABC):
   scheduler: Final[CommunicationScheduler]

   def __init__(self, *, scheduler: CommunicationScheduler) -> None:
        self.scheduler = scheduler

for a StaticOperation like Drop.DispenseFrom, you could just pass up the well argument

Do you mean pass the well to _schedule?

No, I mean that the DispenseFrom.__init__() would pass up the Well to StaticOperation.__init__(), e.g.,

        def __init__(self, well: Well, *,
                     reagent: Optional[Reagent] = None,
                     empty_wrong_reagent: bool = False,
                     after_reservation: Optional[Callback] = None,
                     before_release: Optional[Callback] = None) -> None:
            super().__init__(scheduler=well)   # This is new
            self.well = well
            self.reagent = reagent
            self.empty_wrong_reagent = empty_wrong_reagent
            self.after_reservation = after_reservation
            self.before_release = before_release

###### Migrated from internal repository.  Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 22, 2022 at 2:29 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

I think I'm getting it now. Have a quick look at these snippets (w/o mypy) to see if I'm no the right track:

I think now I have a thin slice in place for this issue. I'll work with mypy and see what else we are missing.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 23, 2022 at 1:12 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

I think I'm getting it now. Have a quick look at these snippets (w/o mypy) to see if I'm no the right track:

  • Handling after in schedule_for - need help with handling it for obj: Delayed[CS]
    if isinstance(obj, Delayed):
    future = Postable[V]()
    def schedule_and_post(x: CS) -> None:
    f = self._schedule_for(x, post_result=post_result)
    f.when_value(lambda val: future.post(val))
    return future
    if after == NO_WAIT:
        return self._schedule_for(obj, post_result=post_result)
        return obj.delayed(lambda _: self._schedule_for(obj, post_result=post_result)
The only problem I see here is that if `obj` is a `Delayed`, you don't handle `after`.  All you should need to do to handle that is to use `schedule_for()` inside of `schedule_and_post()` rather than `_schedule_for()`.  You'll get around to this same function, which will see that `obj` is no longer a `Delayed` and proceed from there.

A couple of minor things:
* `schedule_and_post()` can just do

I don't think I had added post_to() when I wrote the original code.

  • Handling after in schedule
    if after == NO_WAIT:
    return self._schedule(post_result=post_result))
    return self.scheduler.delayed(
    lambda _: self._schedule(post_result=post_result),

    Same comment about NO_WAIT

  • Passing scheduler up in Path.Start
    def __init__(self, start: Path.StartStep,
    middle: tuple[Path.MiddleStep,...]) -> None:
    self.first_step = start
    self.middle_steps = middle

    That looks right, although scheduler is (correctly) a keyword argument.

I think now I have a thin slice in place for this issue. I'll work with mypy and see what else we are missing.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 23, 2022 at 3:11 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

I ran mypy on types.py, here are some findings:

  1. It looks like we need to further change Operation[CS, V] to Operation[CS, CS] so that operations can be chained together. On this code:

    class Operation(Generic[CS, V], ABC):
    def then(self, op: Union[Operation[V, V2], StaticOperation[V2],
                             Callable[[], Operation[V, V2]],
                             Callable[[], StaticOperation[V2]]], *,
             after: WaitCondition = NO_WAIT,
             ) -> Operation[CS, V2]:

    mypy pointed out that:

    src/mpam/types.py:711: error: Type argument "V" of "Operation" must be a subtype of "CommunicationScheduler"
  2. A similar issue we have with Tco. For this code, mypy reports:

    def then_schedule(self, op: Union[Operation[Tco,V], StaticOperation[V],
                                      Callable[[], Operation[Tco,V]],
                                      Callable[[], StaticOperation[V]]], *,
                      after: WaitCondition = NO_WAIT,
                      post_result: bool = True) -> Delayed[V]:
    Type argument "Tco" of "Operation" must be a subtype of "CommunicationScheduler"
    Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 27, 2022 at 4:35 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

I ran mypy on types.py, here are some findings:

1. It looks like we need to further change `Operation[CS, V]` to `Operation[CS, CS]` so that operations can be chained together. On this code:
class Operation(Generic[CS, V], ABC):
    def then(self, op: Union[Operation[V, V2], StaticOperation[V2],
                             Callable[[], Operation[V, V2]],
                             Callable[[], StaticOperation[V2]]], *,
             after: WaitCondition = NO_WAIT,
             ) -> Operation[CS, V2]:

mypy pointed out that:

src/mpam/types.py:711: error: Type argument "V" of "Operation" must be a subtype of "CommunicationScheduler"

We certainly don't want to do that, since it's reasonably common to have an Operation that returns something that isn't chainable (typically None).

Sigh. This is one of those situations where MyPy should be able to figure out that it's safe, because if we actually managed to pass in an Operation[V,V2], then V must be a CommunicationScheduler. (And it's one of those situations where C++ would've SFINAE'd the method out if it wasn't.)

I think the best thing to do here is to tell MyPy that you know what you're doing by adding a type: ignore comment:

    def then(self, op: Union[Operation[V, V2], StaticOperation[V2], # type: ignore [type-var]
                             Callable[[], Operation[V, V2]],
                             Callable[[], StaticOperation[V2]]], *,
             after: WaitCondition = NO_WAIT,
             ) -> Operation[CS, V2]:

I hate doing that, but there's only so much you can do with the type inference provided.

1. A similar issue we have with `Tco`. For this code, mypy reports:
    def then_schedule(self, op: Union[Operation[Tco,V], StaticOperation[V],
                                      Callable[[], Operation[Tco,V]],
                                      Callable[[], StaticOperation[V]]], *,
                      after: WaitCondition = NO_WAIT,
                      post_result: bool = True) -> Delayed[V]:
Type argument "Tco" of "Operation" must be a subtype of "CommunicationScheduler"

I suspect that the same argument applies here.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 27, 2022 at 5:09 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Got it. I'm getting some unexpected errors once I start propagating the change from ComputeOp(Operation[T,V]) to ComputeOp(Operation[CS, V]), I'm geting complains about V needing to be of type CS:

src/mpam/types.py:741: error: Type argument "V" of "Operation" must be a subtype of "CommunicationScheduler"
src/mpam/types.py:755: error: Incompatible return value type (got "Operation[CS, V2]", expected "Operation[V, V2]")
src/mpam/types.py:755: error: Value of type variable "CS" of "ComputeOp" cannot be "V"
src/mpam/types.py:775: error: Incompatible return value type (got "Operation[V, V2]", expected "Operation[CS, V2]")
src/mpam/types.py:1206: error: Value of type variable "CS" of "ComputeOp" cannot be "V"

Could you please have a look at types.py?

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 27, 2022 at 5:47 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

As we discussed in today's meeting, this looks like a real issue (i.e., not one we can just tell MyPy to ignore). It may be that requiring Operation to take a CommunicationScheduler may be too strict. All we need is the ability to get our hands on one inside of schedule_for().

There are a couple of ways we might be able to do this. The most general is probably to give Operation an abstract method that can map from the object to a scheduler. Then you can either have each Operation subclass define it or, probably better, add an intermediate CSOperation (or some better name) class that does require a CommunicationScheduler and defines that method to just return its argument.

ComputeOp will still be tricky, because you have to remember that Operations can be scheduled more than once, so you can't simply stash away the the first op's scheduled argument. This will take some playing.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 28, 2022 at 9:05 AM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

OK, I added CSOperation and there are no mypy issues on types.py. Have a look. If this looks good, I'll propagate replace Operation with CSOperation as the class to extend by operations.

Tell me more about ComputeOs, what is its purpose and how exactly it is used.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 29, 2022 at 8:17 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

The way you did that completely ignores the after parameter in Operation.schedule_for() and repeats the logic in CSOperation.schedule_for(). What I was suggesting was something more like

class Operation(Generic[T, V], ABC):
     def schedule_for(self, obj: Union[T, Delayed[T]], *,
                     after: WaitCondition = NO_WAIT,
                     post_result: bool = True,
                     ) -> Delayed[V]:
        if isinstance(obj, Delayed):
            future = Postable[V]()
            def schedule_and_post(x: CS) -> None:
                    x, after=after, post_result=post_result).post_to(future)
            return future

        def cb() -> Delayed[V]:
            return self._schedule_for(obj, post_result=post_result)
        return self.after_delay(after, cb, obj = obj)

    def after_delay(after: WaitCondition,,
                    fn: Callable[[], Delayed[V],
                    *, obj: T) -> Delayed[V]:

class CSOperation(Operation[CS, V]):
    def after_delay(after: WaitCondition,,
                    fn: Callable[[], Delayed[V],
                    *, obj: CS) -> Delayed[V]:
        return obj.delayed(fn, after=after)

Then in other, non-CSOperation subclasses, you just have to define after_delay() (possibly ignoring obj in favor of some other means of getting a CommunicationScheduler).

ComputeOp is simply an adapter that takes an arbitrary function Callable[[T], Delayed[V] and turns it into an Operation[T,V]. It's there to support Operation.then_compute() and .then_call(), but looking at the code, it appears that it doesn't actually get used that way anymore. Where it does get used is in paths.py in CallStep, CallAndWaitStep, and BarrierStep.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jun 30, 2022 at 12:00 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Got it. Run mypy on all files and fixed most of the easy errors. There are a few dozen errors left. Few comments:

  1. We removed after from _schedule and _schedule_for. How do we want to deal with after being used inside these methods? Should I just strip the code as if after was never an argument or do we want some special treatment? For example, should this:

    class Drop
    class AppearAt(StaticOperation['Drop']):
        def _schedule(self, *,
                      post_result: bool = True,
                      ) -> Delayed[Drop]:
            pad.schedule(Pad.TurnOn, after=after) \
            return future

    just become this:

            return future

    or this:

    class Path
    class End(CSOperation[Drop, None]):
        def _schedule_for(self, obj: Drop, *,
                          post_result: bool = True,
                          ) -> Delayed[None]:
            if after is None:
                future = Delayed.complete(obj)
                postable = Postable[Drop]()
                assert isinstance(obj.pad, BoardComponent)
                obj.pad.board.before_tick(lambda: postable.post(obj), delta=after)
                future = postable

    just become this:

        def _schedule_for(self, obj: Drop, *,
                          post_result: bool = True,
                          ) -> Delayed[None]:           
            future = Delayed.complete(obj)
  2. In the Path classes we have two ways of specifying the after argument. For example:

    class DispenseStep(StartStep):
        def __init__(self, well: Well, *,
                     after: WaitCondition,
    class WalkStep(MiddleStep):
        def __init__(self, direction: Dir, steps: int, allow_unsafe: bool,
                     after: WaitCondition) -> None:

    To be consistent, which one do you prefer? Also, should after be at the end of the required args, but before the ones with default values?

  3. Related to (2), in which cases do we want to specify the default NO_WAIT value? It seems that we might want the default value for the helper functions but not the subclass constructions, right?

    def to_pad(cls, target: Union[Pad, XYCoord, tuple[int, int]],
               row_first: bool = True,
               allow_unsafe: bool = False,
               after: WaitCondition = NO_WAIT)
    class ToColStep(MiddleStep):
        def __init__(self, col: int, allow_unsafe: bool,
                     after: WaitCondition) -> None:

I think once these are taken care of, we can start playing with the harder case of ComputeOP.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jun 30, 2022 at 7:52 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Got it. Run mypy on all files and fixed most of the easy errors. There are a few dozen errors left. Few comments:

1. We removed `after` from `_schedule` and `_schedule_for`. How do we want to deal with `after` being used inside these methods? Should I just strip the code as if `after` was never an argument or do we want some special treatment? 

I was thinking that we'd just ignore it. By the time _schedule_for() is called, the after has already been taken into account, so anything we would have delayed for should happen now.

2. In the Path classes we have two ways of specifying the `after` argument. For example:
    class DispenseStep(StartStep):
        def __init__(self, well: Well, *,
                     after: WaitCondition,
    class WalkStep(MiddleStep):
        def __init__(self, direction: Dir, steps: int, allow_unsafe: bool,
                     after: WaitCondition) -> None:

To be consistent, which one do you prefer? Also, should after be at the end of the required args, but before the ones with default values?

I can't deny the evidence, but I have no idea why I declared WalkStep.__init__() that way. after is definitely the sort of parameter that should be a keyword arg, even if it's required. allow_unsafe, too. And arguably steps. If it's a keyword arg, it doesn't matter where it sits in the list.

3. Related to (2), in which cases do we want to specify the default `NO_WAIT` value? It seems that we might want the default value for the helper functions but not the subclass constructions, right?

You definitely want defaults for the methods, since things like to_pad() are user visible. I was seeing the step subclasses as purely internal and only called by local code which would always be passing the values along anyway, so I didn't (and probably wouldn't) bother.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jul 01, 2022 at 10:33 AM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

I had an attempt at fixing CombinedOperation and ComputeOp. I require a communication scheduler to be passed in the constructor. I updated all the then_* methods as well as any uses in paths.py. There are no mypy errors in types.py but a three in paths.py:

src/mpam/paths.py:583: error: Argument 1 to "__init__" of "MiddleStep" has incompatible type "ComputeOp[CS, Drop, Drop]"; expected "CSOperation[Drop, Drop]"
src/mpam/paths.py:592: error: Argument 1 to "__init__" of "MiddleStep" has incompatible type "ComputeOp[CS, Drop, Drop]"; expected "CSOperation[Drop, Drop]"
src/mpam/paths.py:604: error: Argument 1 to "__init__" of "MiddleStep" has incompatible type "Operation[Drop, Drop]"; expected "CSOperation[Drop, Drop]"
Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Jul 13, 2022 at 6:45 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Before I get to that, I have some reservations about some of your design choices. It's quite possible, of course, that I'm missing something, in which case, feel free to argue for them.

First of all, you have CombinedOperation parameterized by CS, but it doesn't appear that CS is being used anywhere. The scheduler (which isn't declared as an attribute, by the way) only needs to be a CommunicationScheduler. There doesn't seem to be any need to keep track of which subclass it is.

But, in any case, there doesn't seem to be any need for it. first is an Operation, and by construction it therefore supports after_delay(), so unless I'm missing something, you should be able to just delegate to it:

    def after_delay(self,
                    after: WaitCondition,
                    fn: Callable[[], V2],
                    *, obj: T) -> Delayed[V2]:
        return self.first.delayed(after, fn, obj=obj)

I guess that this gets rid of my other problem: the addition of scheduler parameters to Operation.then(), .then_compute(), .then_call(), and .then_process(). These are all functions that I'd expect to be used by protocol writers, and unless it's absolutely necessary, CommunicationSchedulers are an implementation detail that they shouldn't have to understand. But if you get rid of the scheduler from CombinedOperation.__init__(), then .then() doesn't need one in order to create the CombinedOperation, and none of the others need to pass it along.

ComputeOp also has a few problems. As with CombinedOperation, I don't se any reason that it needs to be parameterized by CS. scheduler can just be a CommunicationScheduler. Unlike CombinedOperation, it looks as though it's likely that it will need to be specified, but I would strongly recommend making it a keyword parameter to __init__().

As for your actual question, the complaint is that you're passing in a ComputeOp, but MiddleStep.__init__() requires a CSOperation, and ComputeOp is an Operation, but not a CSOperation. This is true, but my questions "Why does MiddleStep need CSOperation rather than simply an Operation?" The use is

        def _schedule_after(self, future: Delayed[Drop], *,
                            is_last: bool, post_result: bool) -> Delayed[Drop]:
            return future.then_schedule(self.op, after=self.after,
                                        post_result=post_result if is_last else True)

and Delayed.then_schedule() is perfectly happy with an Operation.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Jul 22, 2022 at 10:47 AM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

self.first.delayed does not work. delayed is a method in CommunicationScheduler, not Operation. Moreover, after_dalay is abstract in Operation and implemented in CSOperation. If we make CombinedOperation require CSOperation when all the then* methods have to be moved in CSOperation - this sounds like something we already tried in the past.

Regarding the then* methods, only then() uses CombinedOperation, the others use ComputeOp. So, if we successfully remove CS from CombinedOperation only then() will benefit. The others will still require a CS, as ComputeOp requires it.

The MiddleStep change seems fine.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Aug 01, 2022 at 10:41 AM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

self.first.delayed does not work. delayed is a method in CommunicationScheduler, not Operation. Moreover, after_dalay is abstract in Operation and implemented in CSOperation.

Sorry, self.first.after_delay(), not self.first.delayed().

If we make CombinedOperation require CSOperation when all the then* methods have to be moved in CSOperation - this sounds like something we already tried in the past.

Regarding the then* methods, only then() uses CombinedOperation, the others use ComputeOp. So, if we successfully remove CS from CombinedOperation only then() will benefit. The others will still require a CS, as ComputeOp requires it.

I see your point, sort of. Technically, only then_compute() uses CombinedOperation. then_call() and then_process() just delegate to it. And then_compute() delegates to then(), which, as we've established, doesn't need the scheduler. So it would seem to be perfectly fine for none of these to take one and to just let ComputeOp fail if its after_delay() is called.

This won't work for the uses of ComputeOp in paths, since MiddleStep._schedule_after() uses Delayed.then_schedule(), which delegates to Operation.schedule_for(), but in this case, we know that the incoming object is a Drop, so it would suffice for CallStep and the like to use a subclass of ComputeOp along the lines of

class DropComputeOp(ComputeOp[Drop,Drop]):
    def after_delay(self,
                    after: WaitCondition,
                    fn: Callable[[], Drop],
                    *, obj: Drop) -> Delayed[Drop]:
        return obj.delayed(fn, after=after)
Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Aug 01, 2022 at 11:37 AM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

I removed CS type argument from CombinedOperation and updated after_delay to use first.after_delay, I'm running into errors with the return type:

src/mpam/types.py:903: error: Incompatible return value type (got "Delayed[V]", expected "Delayed[V2]")
src/mpam/types.py:903: error: Argument 2 to "after_delay" of "Operation" has incompatible type "Callable[[], V2]"; expected "Callable[[], V]"

The rest of the changes worked well.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Aug 16, 2022 at 3:46 AM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

The problem here is that Operation.after_delay() is declared as

    def after_delay(self,
                    after: WaitCondition,
                    fn: Callable[[], V],
                    *, obj: T) -> Delayed[V]:

This ties the return type of the function to the type produced by the operation. In CombinedOperation, the function returns a V2, but first.after_delay() expects a V.

The solution to this is relatively straightforward. There's no real reason why after_delay() should care about the returned type. It just takes a function and delays it, returning the value in a future. So if we re-define it to take a new type variable not tied to the class:

    def after_delay(self,
                    after: WaitCondition,
                    fn: Callable[[], V2],
                    *, obj: T) -> Delayed[V2]:

it should all work. Note that in this case, for CombinedOperation, which does use V2, you'll need to change this to a different type variable (e.g., a V3) so it doesn't get captured.

Don't look at me like that. I didn't design the way Python does generic classes and methods.

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Aug 18, 2022 at 11:45 AM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

There are also a couple of problems in your definition of Operation.schedule_for():

    def schedule_for(self, obj: Union[T, Delayed[T]], *,
                     after: WaitCondition = NO_WAIT,
                     post_result: bool = True,
                     ) -> Delayed[V]:
        if isinstance(obj, Delayed):
            future = Postable[V]()
            def schedule_and_post(x: T) -> None:
                    x, after=after, post_result=post_result).post_to(future)
            return future

        def cb():
            return self._schedule_for(obj, post_result=post_result)
        return self.after_delay(after, cb, obj=obj)

cb() has no type annotations, so MyPy ignores it. If you add the return type

        def cb() -> Delayed[V]:
            return self._schedule_for(obj, post_result=post_result)

you'll get two errors.

The first is a MyPy annoyance. When you hit the definition of cb(), MyPy knows that obj is a T, but within the function, it reverts back to being its declared type of Union[T, Delayed[T]]. (I suspect that this may have to do with the fact that you could go on to say nonlocal obj.) To get around this, I've gotten in the habit of doing the following:

        real_obj = obj
        def cb() -> Delayed[V]:
            return self._schedule_for(real_obj, post_result=post_result)

real_obj is definitely a T, so there's no problem.

The second problem is a bit trickier. In

        return self.after_delay(after, cb, obj=obj)

after_delay() (after the change for the last comment) a Callable[[], V2] and return a Delayed[V2]. You're passing in cb(), which returns a Delayed[V], so the result of the after_delay() call will be a Delayed[Delayed[V]] rather than the Delayed[V] that schedule_for() is declared to return.

The simple solution would be to use a second future, something like:

        future = Postable[V]()
        def cb() -> None:
            self._schedule_for(real_obj, post_result=post_result).post_to(future)
        self.after_delay(after, cb, obj=obj)
        return future

There are probably more efficient ways to do it, but they likely make the interfaces uglier (especially with Python's lack of overloading or ability to check Callable return types.)

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by @EvanKirshenbaum on Aug 18, 2022 at 2:25 PM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

I did the V2 and V3 replacement for after_delay but I get some errors with DropComputeOp. I tried ignore[override] but it did not help:

class DropComputeOp(ComputeOp[Drop,Drop]):
    def after_delay(self,
                    after: WaitCondition,
                    fn: Callable[[], Drop],
                    *, obj: Drop) -> Delayed[Drop]: # type: ignore[override]
        return obj.delayed(fn, after=after)
src/mpam/drop.py:1081: error: Argument 2 of "after_delay" is incompatible with supertype "ComputeOp"; supertype defines the argument type as "Callable[[], V2]"
src/mpam/drop.py:1081: note: This violates the Liskov substitution principle
src/mpam/drop.py:1081: note: See https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/common_issues.html#incompatible-overrides
src/mpam/drop.py:1081: error: Return type "Delayed[Drop]" of "after_delay" incompatible with return type "Delayed[V2]" in supertype "ComputeOp"
src/mpam/drop.py:1081: error: Argument 2 of "after_delay" is incompatible with supertype "Operation"; supertype defines the argument type as "Callable[[], V2]"
src/mpam/drop.py:1081: error: Return type "Delayed[Drop]" of "after_delay" incompatible with return type "Delayed[V2]" in supertype "Operation"
Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Aug 23, 2022 at 10:11 AM PDT.
EvanKirshenbaum commented 10 months ago

Fixed schedule_for type annotations and mypy issues for cb()

Migrated from internal repository. Originally created by Rares Vernica on Aug 23, 2022 at 10:23 AM PDT.