Implementation of the paper SAM-Deblur: Let Segment Anything Boost Image Deblurring(ICASSP2024)
Apache License 2.0
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fantastic work !when the code will be released? #1

Closed msk7131 closed 8 months ago

msk7131 commented 10 months ago

fantastic work !when the code will be released?

HPLQAQ commented 10 months ago

Thank you for your appreciation and interest in our work! Currently, the code is somewhat disorganized, and my plan was to optimize it further before releasing. I'm planning for training and validating an improved version later. However, inspired by your enthusiasm, I will ensure to release the current version along with the pretrained models this week.

msk7131 commented 10 months ago

thank you very much

msk7131 commented 10 months ago

Didn't see you update this week

Thank you for your appreciation and interest in our work! Currently, the code is somewhat disorganized, and my plan was to optimize it further before releasing. I'm planning for training and validating an improved version later. However, inspired by your enthusiasm, I will ensure to release the current version along with the pretrained models this week.

HPLQAQ commented 10 months ago

Apologize for the delay. I've sorted out a rough version. It will take me some time to provide detailed instructions on running the code and preparing the data.

HPLQAQ commented 8 months ago

Thanks again for your interest and really sorry for the delay. Our paper has just been accepted to ICASSP 2024. Code has been released with detailed instructions. Now you can start an experiment easily following instructions in README. Also, welcome visit our project page for a quick overview of the paper.