Terrestrial Systems Modelling Platform (TSMP or TerrSysMP)
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Checks failing for PR from fork #230

Closed jjokella closed 3 weeks ago

jjokella commented 5 months ago

I get the following error message, when adding a PR from my fork: https://github.com/HPSCTerrSys/TSMP/actions/runs/9578088579/job/26407585972?pr=229

Seems to be a permission issue.

As a quick fix, I will avoid adding PRs from my fork and rather add a branch in TSMP itself and do "in-repo"-PRs.

Maybe this issue can still be resolved at some point.

jjokella commented 3 weeks ago

Closing the issue - I have adapted my workflow to use more branches on the main repo, where the PR checks work.